This will cause technology intensive industry in Jiangsu to highly depend on Foreign Investments.
The liner programming technology intensive, beware of drilling pile vacuum filling, double lock temperature.
As a new form of library in the circumstance of modern information technology, the digital library is technology intensive.
The result indicates that FDI promotes the structure upgrading of China mostly by entering the technology intensive industries.
The results show that FDI upgrade Jiangsu province industry structure mainly by pouring in the technology intensive industry cluster;
We've selected these sectors because they are technology intensive, in line with the national strategy, and bear huge growth potential.
I hope Italian enterprises will play out their technological advantages and establish capital and technology intensive enterprises in these areas.
On the other hand, though the capital and technology intensive industry have a high level of outsourcing, they are more inclined to outsource labor-intensive tasks.
In particular, for every extra mile an expert, a serious and responsible, technology intensive style, giving anti-AI staff at all levels of Jiangxi Province left a deep impression.
Labor service plays a vital role in creating wealth for enterprises, especially for science and technology intensive businesses in the age that knowledge economy is developing rapidly.
No matter how technology can help, translation itself is a labor intensive work, or in another words, humans are always at the center of a translation.
One target area for the new fund will be technology-intensive companies in the auto industry, the environmental and clean energy sector, and in aerospace.
The retired professor has developed a technology for the intensive planting of eucalyptus, to cater to the needs of the growing bioenergy market.
Couto 研究出一种尤加利树的密集种植技术,以满足不断增长的生物能源市场需求。
Exeros technology automatically uncovers hidden relationships between databases, helping users make sense of disparate sources without the labor-intensive process of manually mapping data.
These businesses require lots of technology, they have high barriers to entry, and they are capital-intensive.
This has made it almost impossible for US companies to export advanced capital and technology-intensive goods that the US is most competitive at, and where China's demand is greatest.
We increased export rebate rates for textiles, garments and other labor-intensive products, as well as high value added products with high technology content four times.
We hope that with our intensive diversified technology and unique customer service experience, we can assist our customer achieve an added advantage in today's highly competitive marketplace.
South Korea's comparative advantage lies in technology and design, not in resource-intensive heavy-manufacturing industries, which will inevitably lose market share to competitors in China.
China's real estate industry will achieve by the labor-intensive to technology-intensive rapid transformation.
Our company introduce advanced technology and production equipment, a knowledge of technology-intensive processing enterprises.
High-tech industry is technology-intensive and knowledge-intensive industries, and its proportion increases rapidly in the national economy.
After entry to WTO, limited by WTO terms, China's traditional labor - intensive competition is no longer advantage, the technology - intensive industry is weak also.
CNC machine tools as the technology-intensive products, many industries in our products has been manufacturing a wide range of use.
If you could introduce capital-intensive or technology-intensive projects.
While exporting to ASEAN high added value technology-intensive products, Japan has cut down its import from ASEAN of primary products and rapidly increased the import of finished products.
Modern advertising is a knowledge-intensive. technology-intensive and qualified men intensive industry with hi-tech.
Modern advertising is a knowledge-intensive. technology-intensive and qualified men intensive industry with hi-tech.