According to MIT Technology Review, whether companies are connecting dog food bowls or security systems to the Internet, there may be some problems.
The Technology Review blog noted that this process isn't as outlandish as it seems.
According to Technology Review magazine, the phone could be on the market in three to five years.
Each year, Technology Review selects what it believes are the 10 most important emerging technologies.
每年,Technology Review都会评选出十项被认为是最重要的新兴科技。
This year, she will also publish another in technology Review, the oldest technology magazine in the world.
Since 1999, the editors of Technology Review have honored the young innovators whose inventions and research we find most exciting;
According to MIT's Technology Review, head researcher Johan Bollen and his team are announcing this news at Indiana University today.
Samsung has told Technology Review that they hope to have a flat-panel TV based on carbon nano-tubes on the market by Christmas 2003.
Speaking at the recent Technology Review Emtech conference, Sachs says he can lower costs using a new manufacturing process called "direct wafer."
The stories will all be near-future, hard science fiction, inspired by the kinds of emerging technologies we see in our coverage at Technology Review.
Bianchi tells Technology Review that ‘you can tell if someone is awake or asleep and which stage of sleep they are in purely based on breathing pattern.
Bianchi在Technology Review上说“你可以通过判断呼吸的模式来告诉一个人是醒着还是睡着或是他正处于睡眠的哪个阶段。”
Of the 35 young innovators recognized this year by Technology Review magazine for their exceptional new ideas, only six went to high school in the United States.
Eye-tracking could soon be coming to cell phones, allowing hands-free control of mobile devices that goes way beyond voice activation, Technology Review reports.
眼球跟踪技术很快就会应用到手机上,那时移动设备的无手控制就不仅仅是声音激活了, 技术评论报道。
The Srinivasan brothers' father, however, didn't want them to get into medicine and was keen for them to study computer science instead, notes the MIT Technology review.
Another company involved in solar shingles is Dow Chemical, which a year ago received a $17.8 million tax credit to market-test their product, according to Technology Review.
While the EPR relies on active pumping to maintain reactor cooling, an Areva spokesman told Technology Review yesterday that it has extra backup generators for added redundancy.
EPR依靠主动式水泵抽运以冷却反应堆,Areva发言人昨天对Technology Review记者称,设计有额外的备用发电机组以满足多余的需求。
Flippo Menczar, an associate professor at Indiana University and one of the principal investigators on the project, told Technology Review, "We think this technique must be common."
印第安纳大学助理教授、“揭示真相”项目的主要研究者之一Flippo Menczar在接受《科技评论》杂志采访时称,“我们认为此类伪草根网络技术已经被普遍应用。”
Another concern is that the people who take part in the project will represent vested interests-in particular, big technology firms which can assign staff to review patents.
It is the first time that news came up first since the technology company began publishing its yearly review a decade ago.
They weren't paid to write the article, though, and it's hardly a rave review for current sunscreen technology.
That's because we plan on making minor changes to the corresponding technology via a maintenance review.
They give multiple blogs a chance to review a technology in depth, instead of making it a race.
Last night Mark Chubb, gadget expert for technology site Phones Review, said some users appear to be missing out on the impressive feature.
昨晚苹果技术网站的专家MarkChubb表示看来有些果粉要错过iPhone 4s的这个经典功能了。
In his review, Vallini wrote that for all of the "stupefying, enchanting technology" in the film, it "gets bogged down by a spiritualism linked to the worship of nature."
The participant is invited to review or participate in exercises involving some classic IBM products and newly added technology solutions that support the various stages of BI evolution.
To undertake the review and verification of projects of the safety technology renovation of key coal mines and the comprehensive gas control and utilization.
In this review the application, unsolved problems and prospect of the technology in pathogenic bacteria detection are introduced.
In this review the application, unsolved problems and prospect of the technology in pathogenic bacteria detection are introduced.