Spiders do not take well to farming, and as they are mostly teeny little creatures, they don't produce enough silk to be useful in large-scale production.
Secretly he'll freak out if you take him to Ruth's Chris, even just the one teeny time.
Now you can find almost any type of pony, including Tropical Ponies, Teeny Tiny Ponies and many more.
How can teeny, tiny ants repel a big old elephant, which is, after all, about a billion times more massive?
"With her" is a very teeny-tiny little word in Hebrew, so I guess a lot of translations figure they can leave it out.
They take up a teeny bit, but when we're thinking about the set up of the atom, we don't have to account for them as using up a lot of the mass.
That's only a teeny, weeny little femur.
There are teeny flags aboard sticks made in China.
The teeny tiny woman walks to her teeny tiny house.
ABC News' Nick Watt called it "teeny, teeny, tiny."
The teeny tiny woman walks into a teeny tiny garden.
The teeny tiny woman looks around. There's no one in her teeny tiny house.
Yes, that's just a teeny bit of pressure. And there's no sign of its letting up.
It was just one, small, teeny mistake and everyone tore me to pieces! Give us a break!
But secretly he'll freak out if you take him to Ruth's Chris, even just the one teeny time.
That way, on test day you remember that teeny tiny fact that gets you those scores you need.
索拉尔说道。 “”那样的话,考试那天你就可以记住细小的知识点,从而获取理想的分数。”
You could give out teeny-tiny treasure awards, but that is hardly better than nothing at all.
Ever wonder why there's a teeny-tiny pocket above the regular ones in the front of your jeans?
I wonder if it can shrink to a teeny, tiny speck and may be a huge monster trying to put it on.
Many major cities now have so-called pod hotels - places that rent a teeny room for a tiny price.
"Where is he immediately?" Thought of to probably is that teens, Yang Jian then teeny concussion.
But there was a teeny, tiny problem. No matter how much money Lotsa DE Casha made, he wasn't happy.
Now you can find almost any type of pony including Tropical Ponies, Teeny Tiny Ponies and many more.
This teeny tiny kitten has stretched their body over a box and seems to have fallen asleep in the process.
First, we asked my mom to take a picture of us together and help us print it out regular size and teeny-tiny size.
Be a pod person. Many major cities now have so-called pod hotels - places that rent a teeny room for a tiny price.
River Zi dulcimer the words are fewer, just a little bit teeny point chin, above all to turn circular to in walk.
With her "is a very teeny-tiny little word in Hebrew, so I guess a lot of translations figure they can leave it out."
With her "is a very teeny-tiny little word in Hebrew, so I guess a lot of translations figure they can leave it out."