Chocolate milk, for example, is okay. It provides the protein, calcium, and vitamins that kids need for strong teeth.
Dr. Frances Castano, a dental researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, believes that milk may actually destroy the teeth of children who are given a bottle to go to sleep with.
Coming second in the survey is the myth that when your milk teeth fall out, if you put them under your pillow, the tooth fairy will replace them with sixpences.
Steven: I drink milk every day. it's really good for building strong bones and teeth. I drink tea quite often, for it's protective against kidney cancer.
Then the green milk dyed their teeth and tongues green, another source of hilarity.
Macleans Milk teeth toothpaste contains low levels of fluoride which is safer for young children, whilst effectively strengthening first teeth's enamel and protecting against tooth decay.
Milk teeth may begin to appear at anytime from five to eight months from birth, and at this stage the baby should be given something clean and hard go bite on.
His eyes will be darker than wine, his teeth whiter than milk.
Kits have what are called "milk teeth" until about 7 to 9 weeks old when their permanent canine teeth begin to come in.
Objective to evaluate the clinical effects of Flour Protector in treatment of teeth with early milk bottle primary caries.
In the beginning, I used to wipe her teeth with a little piece of damp cloth. This prevented the milk from sticking to her teeth.
One of the second set of teeth in mammals that grow as the milk teeth are shed. Human beings have 32 permanent teeth.
Those milk teeth can be really sharp, I am watching my fingers every time when I try to clean his month, sometime he bites me very hard.
Name: milk teeth healthy body to use: push a little milk to brush teeth healthy body, the teeth can be directly after cleaning the bathroom.
Name: milk teeth healthy body to use: push a little milk to brush teeth healthy body, the teeth can be directly after cleaning the bathroom.