The American Lung Association (ALA) has issued new guidelines on combating colds and the flu, and one of the keys is being able to quickly tell the two apart.
The students, who were studying artificial intelligence, were interacting with the virtual assistant and couldn't tell it apart from a real human being.
In fact, it was hard for their classmates and teachers to tell them apart sometimes.
When scientist Thomas Bouchard Jr. invited the Jim twins to his lab, people there found it very hard to tell them apart.
For example, if you created a Helper.emx model in each folder, it would become difficult to tell them apart.
例如,如果您在每一个文件夹中创建了一个Helper .emx模型,那么想将它们区分开来是非常困难的。
Providers shouldn't be confused with provider methods. (In Guice 1.0, they were considerably harder to tell apart.)
不要把提供者与provider方法弄混淆了(在Guice 1.0,这两者更难区分开来)。
This makes it exceedingly difficult to tell neighbors apart from one another, and then understand how they are connected to each other.
This ensures that reflections from different places are easier to tell apart, because they do not blur into one another.
However, efforts to control them are consistently undermined by the difficulty and expense of identifying mosquitoes-of which there are at least 3,500 species, many of them hard to tell apart.
However, efforts to control them are consistently undermined by the difficulty and expense of identifying mosquitoes-of which there are at least 3, 500 species, many of them hard to tell apart.
"It makes perfect sense that George Bush and John McCain will be together next week in the Twin Cities for the Republican convention because these days they are awfully hard to tell apart," she said.
In all 17 species, the commonest kind of light receptors were "rod" cells, which are highly sensitive to light and allow night vision but cannot tell colors apart, they found.
But even to the trained eye, two species of earthworms can be tough to tell apart.
"I think this paper nicely demonstrates that flies can tell deuterated and non-deuterated odors apart," she says.
But this special report USES "data" and "information" interchangeably because, as it will argue, the two are increasingly difficult to tell apart.
Balancing study and play in a college setting has never been easy–and with the following few apps, it’ll be tough to tell the two apart.
And his tastes are so plain that you can barely tell him apart from his neighbours.
Bipolar disorder in children and adolescents can be hard to tell apart from other problems that may occur in these age groups.
A decade from now the players will be hard to tell apart, and there will probably be survivors from each group.
From the perspective of a userspace programmer, it is very difficult to tell the two apart.
Since both 32 and 64 bit libraries have the same name, the only way to tell them apart visually is by their file size.
My dreams are so realistic and complex now that it's hard to tell them apart from waking reality.
You may want to mark one die and designate it to either body parts or actions, so that you can tell them apart.
Part of the reason it's so difficult to tell these two scenarios apart is that spotty observations make fake signals in the data.
It even, I think, identifies the divine and the human, makes them hard to tell apart; binds them, even while we are being confronted with their difference.
The new equipment may allow biologists to tell birds, insects, and bats apart, something they can't do right now.
The two composers share a common musical idiom; there are many reasons why inexperienced listeners find it hard to tell them apart.
This is done by decreasing the differences between different stimuli - say the weight of two balls - until the participant can no longer tell them apart.
Put the X-Men, and women, in evening dress instead of uniform and try to tell them apart before the colorist gets to them.
Put the X-Men, and women, in evening dress instead of uniform and try to tell them apart before the colorist gets to them.