The bones at the lake, in northern Kenya, tell a tale of ferocity.
If I had a tale that I could tell you, I'd tell a tale sure to make you smile.
Three formaldehyde-filled jars tell a tale of diminishing life in a water column about 90 miles north of the well.
The countryman began to tell his tale, and said he was going to take the goose to a christening.
Those who suffered horribly but lived to tell the tale naturally get a better hearing than the millions in unmarked graves.
Deep in the woods, he came upon Matthew. After hearing his story, Frederick grinned and said, “If you appeal to the king, I’ll tell him you spun a false tale to gain another chance.”
As already alluded to, Archer just like most of us who are now based outside Zimbabwe has a sad tale to tell about the circumstances surrounding his departure from our motherland.
Among those to have survived to tell the tale is a 28-year-old from Tembisa, a township near Johannesburg, who does not wish to be named.
The most important objects are the letters, ledgers, memoirs and maps. And they have quite a tale to tell.
In the capital, Kampala, you see tell-tale signs of a country struggling to keep up.
There is a certain nonsense tale which a friend used to tell with such effect that her hearers became helpless with laughter, but which for some reason never seemed funny to me.
She says she was also driven to tell her tale because Mr Berlusconi had broken a promise to her.
Gilberto Angulos does not need to say a word to tell the tale of working 30 years in Chile's mines.
The constant abuse from the sun often times causes sun spots, or hyper pigmentation of the skin - a tell tale sign of aging.
The faces were then analyzed for tell-tale expressions of pain, such as squeezed eyes and a furrowed nose and lip.
There was one tale, for example, that she would tell about an aunt who had cared for her blind, bed-bound mother for years -- and then suddenly hanged herself from a bedpost.
He can see the shadows of the viperwolves moving through the undergrowth, leaving a tell-tale trail of flashes as they brush against the sensitive plants.
Repeated phone calls and emails are often a tell tale sign that you've met a Control Freak.
And what strange things people did say, to be sure! Every one whom he questioned had a different tale to tell, though they all thought it very beautiful.
Studying abroad in France one semester, I felt truly fluent in French the night I was able to tell an histoire à dormir debout (tall tale) in a bar.
A few decades ago, it was commonplace for husbands to expect to see tell-tale red marks on their wedding night.
"Tell me a tale, ser," Dany said as they climbed.
The collision left behind tell tale traces in the rocks - including a black 'mat' of soot an inch thick thought to have been created by continental wide wildfires.
And nearly a third (29 per cent) of drivers have continued their journey, ignoring the first tell-tale signs of drowsiness.
And nearly a third (29 per cent) of drivers have continued their journey, ignoring the first tell-tale signs of drowsiness.