I want to tell you about the past, present and future of the human population. So let's start with a few problems.
I want to tell you about the past, present and future of the human population, so let's start with a few problems.
Let me tell you a little about what we have done over the last five years to build on the enormous contributions of my predecessors, and on the solid base of the past.
Things that are thrown away or lost can tell us as much about the past as any objects carefully preserved for posterity.
A next step would be asking your parents to tell you about their lives, either their past, the decisions you are curious about or even their present day.
I have been asking people for the past week to tell me about times when they have accepted criticism and changed.
What do your instincts tell you about the situation and about the person… both in the past, present, and future?
Let me tell you from experience why it feels so hard, and I'll tell you about the strategies I'm using to get past those difficulties.
All these mementos and documents tell a story about you. They help you remember the past and become evidence for future generations seeking a look at your world today.
Give me example of an important goal, which you have set in the past and tell me about your success in reaching it.
Tell the interviewer about a mistake you made in the past to show that you can learn from your mistakes.
The questions often ask the job seeker to tell about or describe a time in the past when they had to respond to a certain situation.
I know we haven't met before but I'd like to tell you about myself and the company where I have worked for the past year.
At this time, some old people would like to tell many past events and tell the children a story about the rabbit on the moon.
Gases and minerals, in the form of volcanic dust trapped in the ice, can tell us a lot about what the world's climate was like in past ages.
Do you have a past in the Navy you 've neglected to tell me about?
I'll come by Sunday morning at 7:00. We eat breakfast together first and then we go to my apartment. There we can recall the past, by the way. I'll tell you something about the American custom.
There also are times when you should 'fess up and tell your child about your past life-despite the embarrassment or chance it may ruin your image with your child.
Please, he asked, could I abandon the knocking copy and tell readers about the books and articles that I had enjoyed most over the past year?
Media: Would you like to tell us something about the 50th Anniversary and how it has been throughout the world celebrating for the past several months?
In Buddhism we talk about the concept of life after life - yet few people can tell all their past lives - even me!
We tell stories about the past in which all history conspired to produce our tolerable present and our glorious future.
We tell stories about the past in which all history conspired to produce our tolerable present and our glorious future.