He could tell from the place where she was standing that she was the pretty maiden he hadn't danced with.
She is happy and you can tell from the expression on her face.
As you can tell from this' Jurassic Park 'shot, so does Steven Spielberg.
It is extraordinarily picturesque, as I hope you can tell from the pictures.
As you can tell from the name, it's not designed to be a lightning-fast method.
She can tell from just a slight change in my breathing that a movie has me choked up.
It may look Victorian, but a Times Roman lowercase g is easy to tell from a lowercase y.
You can tell from the low spec number of JSR-107 that the idea for the spec was thought of a decade ago.
JSR- 107的规范号比较小,从这可以看出来,这个规范十年前就被想到了。
As you can tell from the structure of the IOR, this will usually entail using TCP as the transport mechanism.
As you can tell from these 19 examples of bamboo used in the 21st century, this is an extremely versatile material.
You can tell from this query that, of the 21 planned tests, 9 of them are not yet associated with test scripts.
We've been Fielding these calls for so long that we can often tell from one conversation whether the launch will succeed.
As you can tell from Listing 12, you can use the shorthand form here, because Retention has a single-member variable.
It's also good practice, because you can tell from the method signature that calling the method can't alter the object's state.
Women can tell from other women's voices how much of a threat they pose to their relationships, anthropologists have claimed.
Women can tell from other women's voices how much of a threat they pose to their relationships, anthropologists have claimed。
As you can tell from the output immediately above, tar archives the CSS directory and recurses to archive that directory's contents.
We can tell from fossil evidence in rocks that many living species have become extinct over the millions of years since life began.
As you can tell from this very brief example, approaching security from the application architecture level requires strategic thinking.
As you can tell from the frog song recording, the mating calls of this species include a whine followed by a series of grunts, or "chucks."
You could tell from Professor Scheck's lecture at the APA meeting that he CARES deeply about his clients and believes strongly in his mission.
Today, an investor in Europe could not tell from reading a company's financial report whether it is using full-blown IFRS or the EU version.
New research suggests it may be possible to tell from a brain scan whether a dyslexic child's reading ability will improve over a few years.
As you can tell from our example, the custom server is a powerful feature that further harnesses the modular, extensible Geronimo plug-in architecture.
In this example, I opened a 14mb text file from disk. Here's what you can tell from the three graphs in Figure 2, starting at the bottom and working upward.
As you can tell from the simple example above, XDIME forms can be very easy to create, yet they offer flexibility and device independence that HTML forms can't.
There is little coherent or underlying structure to Xenophanes' thought, or at least not that we can tell from the fragments that have come down through history.
There is little coherent or underlying structure to Xenophanes' thought, or at least not that we can tell from the fragments that have come down through history.