He's very straightforward, you can be sure he'll always tell it like it is.
Well, I lwys tell it like it is nd, unfortuntely, sometimes the truth hurts.
Let me tell it like it is: Things are tough and they're going to get tougher.
She doesn't quit. She doesn't give up. I respect that. I tell it like it is. She's a fighter.
They want a woman who can see the truth and tell it like it is while communicating with kindness.
Should I do my best to ensure a comfortable meal -- because I can do that -- or just tell it like it is?
She also believes her fellow Americans tell it like it is and that "there's something to learn from being as direct as we are."
Lloyd, you should just come out and tell it like it is. That may not make you a good guy, but at least you will be an honest one.
In our country, since "tell it like it is" begins broadcasting, the Chinese television entered the time which numerous languages clamors.
Sometimess we like to sugarcoat the truth and sometimes we tell it like it is. There's a little bit of both in the satirical comedy play "Ms."
The typical advice is to list an actual strength but tell it like it is a weakness such as "I work too hard" or "I like architecture too much".
Opportunities for travel and communication are evident. Take your time. Tell it like it is. You may have problems with children. You re undergoing changes.
I caught this April 16 article (" College blogs tell it like it is ") when it first came out in newsprint, but this was during my blogging downtime so I just filed it away somewhere to gather dust.
That's because the general purpose language (like C#) does not tell you how to use it or what it should be used to describe, it has no bounds. The domain of things it can describe is so vast.
It will tell you, say that you have a very small solid, I don't know like a ping pong ball in your flow, it tells you how it is going to start rotating.
If you make fun of your little brother for coloring people green in his coloring book, your mother is likely to tell you something like "you like to do it your way and he likes to do it his way."
Reader's Digest offered two dozen doctors a chance to tell it like it really is, and general practitioners, surgeons, shrinks, pediatricians, and other specialists took the challenge.
And why has it looked so hopeless? Basically, because everyone is lying about it. No one wants to tell it like it really is.
Sure. The first place I would like to tell you is Tanzhiling. It lies in the east of the Dam, 2 kilometers from it.
好的。我想告诉的第一个地方是坛子岭。它位于大坝的东边,离大坝2 公里。
But, to tell the truth, modern civilisation is just like a person's own body, so fragile it can not stand a single blow, and facing it I have nothing to say.
It is very hard to tell you what it felt like, for everything happened so quickly.
It really does not matter that he does not like you to interfere, if you see something to teach him, tell him, have a safety issue, or just want to put a limit on him, that is how it is.
It doesn't tell you this is my hometown and this is Japan and so forth. It gives you a lot of visual cues that you use in my personal journey to see what Japan is like on a personal level.
I would like to tell you today the story of a great journey - a journey that, and that is the best about it, is still going on and I have the feeling that it will never be ending.
The only thing I would tell others is don't forget to shake it and that it doesn't foam like all other "normal" shampoo's.
It sounded like there was a 'but' in your voice. Talk to me. Tell me what it is.
Reporter: Mrs. Johnson, it is not much space, but it looks like a lot of work. Can you tell us exactly what happens here at this desk?
记者:当你知道你将要入主白宫,成为 这里的女主人,你当时的想法是什么?
Reporter: Mrs. Johnson, it is not much space, but it looks like a lot of work. Can you tell us exactly what happens here at this desk?
记者:当你知道你将要入主白宫,成为 这里的女主人,你当时的想法是什么?