Please dear Fairy, tell me where he is and I shall never, never leave him again!
But tell me, dear reader, what do you make of this? I'm all for a bit of insouciance with a greenwash, but would it go with the rug?
It began, "Dear George W.Bush.If there's anything you know, I, Ashley Pearson, age 10, can do to help anyone, please send me a letter and tell me what I can do to save our country.
I must tell you all: this many a day all things have been taken away from me but that which I call more dear to me than my life: my conscience and my honour.
She said, "My dear child, I'm so sorry I hurt you and that it was so hard on you to not be able to tell me of your love before I died, but I knew.
You say: "Dear iPad (or whatever), I'm considering inviting Jane to lunch at The Observatory on Thursday, what can you tell me about that?"
The Master smiled. "Tell me, my dear", he said, "when you were born, did you come into the world like a star from the sky or out of it like a leaf from a tree"?
Hey, dear friends, can you tell me what your life will be like in ten years? Hurry up!
"Dear little Swallow," says the Prince, "you tell me about marvelous things." But misery is the biggest mystery. Fly over the city and tell me what you see.
"Dear little Swallow," said the Prince, "you tell me of marvellous things, but more marvellous than anything is the suffering of men and of women."
Dear Robert: Just wanted to tell you that me leaving has nothing to do with you.
Then, what do you see when you are to the front of the world? Tell me, dear friends, if you see our limpid eyes and our ravishing smiles.
'Floy,' said Paul, holding a ringlet of her dark hair in his hand. 'Tell me, dear, Do you think I have grown old-fashioned?'
Tell me, dear friends, if you see strong emotions in our every act and every move and if you find sincerity and solidarity of Minzu.
Tell me, dear friends, if you see our warm and friendly service and if you hear the approaching footsteps of the 2008 Olympic Games.
Tychicus will tell you all the news about me. He is a dear brother, a faithful minister and fellow servant in the Lord.
Dear of, in fact, I really want to stay with you forever, I will love you forever, to love me? Don't leave me? Finally, I hope you can tell me what's on your mind.
I said, "Oh, dear godmother, tell me, pray do tell me, DID mama die on my birthday?""
As you wish to tell me, My dear, I doudt I have any choise in the matter.
When Jenny gets older and understands such things, I might also tell her that whenever I look at the bureau or touch it, I am reminded of the aunt so dear to me who gave me the bureau as a gift.
Dear Tom, I am glad to receive your letter, knowing that you wonder how to make friends in a new school. Now let me tell you. First, be friendly to others.
Then my dear friends, would you please tell me what the exact reason is that causes her getting such bad memory?
Mrs. CRONIN: My dear, why don't you tell me what it is. I'm sure I can help you.
Write a letter with me now at once, and she'll come here, and everything will be explained, or else, I tell you plainly, my dear boy, you may very easily have to suffer for it.
Dear XXXX, Could you please tell me which countries the legalized documents will be used after you get them, Lebanon or Iraq, or both of them.
Dear XXXX, Could you please tell me which countries the legalized documents will be used after you get them, Lebanon or Iraq, or both of them.