I think it's time to lay your CARDS on the table. Please Tell me honestly why the car accident happened.
How concerned are you — because, let me tell you, honestly, when I see certain things about America — in some parts, I don't want to exaggerate — there is a demonization of America.
I don't care who you are and where you're from. You can't honestly tell me that dieting is the best thing ever.
You can't honestly tell me that dieting is the best thing ever. We diet not because we wholeheartedly want to. It's because we either want something or it's a necessity.
Honestly, when people ask me what I'm "up to," I tell them about the things I'm doing because of those resolutions and really sound interesting.
What can I do to keep him from hitting the roof? Maria: Well, you can begin by helping me clean up the mess and then honestly tell him about your mistake.
And can you honestly tell me that you don't watch Sampras or Patrick Rafter.
He added: "I honestly have not seen it. Where have you heard that phrase before?If you tell me it looks like a penalty and we've had a bit of luck then we're content."
He added: "I honestly have not seen it. Where have you heard that phrase before?If you tell me it looks like a penalty and we've had a bit of luck then we're content."