I shan't tell my reasons for making this inquiry; but, I beseech you to explain, if you can, what I have married: that is, when you call to see me; and you must call, Ellen, very soon.
George: Tell you what, give me a few hours to figure out the moves. Then call me tonight in Vermont. I'll be at the Sugarbush Lodge. All right?
I don't really know who else to call but I was hoping you could maybe tell me what feedback you were getting from the Outer Colonies this week?
Could you tell me whether they are essays or poems or what kind of other style we should call them?
Please reply me separately or call my EXT Nr. 850. Just tell me what you would like to do. I will try my best to deliver your LOVE to the old couple.
If you feel longly, please call me. If you don't have adqueate expense or want what you need, also tell me.
If you feel longly, please call me. If you don't have adqueate expense or want what you need, also tell me.