"I know what you want me to tell you," said Colin, after she had stared a few minutes.
I can't tell you how many reporters have come to me since last spring who don't really know what flu is.
It began, "Dear George W.Bush.If there's anything you know, I, Ashley Pearson, age 10, can do to help anyone, please send me a letter and tell me what I can do to save our country.
If I have to tell you what I like it feels like you don't even know me or you don't care.
You will tell me the security codes and you will tell me what I want to know.
Ladies know what to fend hands against, because they read novels that tell them of these tricks; but I never had the chance o 'learning in that way, and you did not help me!'
Children's hearts can also beat; go after yours, perhaps you may know your child's; but what will you give me if I tell you.
If you ask me is there anything harder than them? I could tell you one thing ultimate hard, know when to do and what to do.
When Vincent shouted, “You’ve got to tell me what you want, ” Jobs shot back, “You’ve got to show me some stuff, and I’ll know it when I see it.”
At last, If you ask me is there anything harder than them? I could tell you one thing ultimate hard, know when to do and what to do.
Pay attention to what I am saying to you, swear to me that you will not tell your father this address that you know!
Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade: Thank you. You know I detect a fragrance in the air. Don't tell me what it is. Ogilvie Sister Soul.
Fred: Oh, I don't know about that. Twenty years is a long time. But, tell me, what have you been up to?
You might tell me what the sign means. I don't know much of your traffic control devices.
Oh! What a great boy! Do you know my country's name? Let me tell you: it called "Fool World"! Very suits you, right?!
I don't know what you are trying to get at. If you have something unpleasant to say, tell it to me directly.
I don't really know who else to call but I was hoping you could maybe tell me what feedback you were getting from the Outer Colonies this week?
Listen, you think you can just show up and tell me how to live my life? You don't even know what I've been though!
Simba: Listen, you think you can just show up and tell me how to live my life? You don't even know what I've been through.
Tell me what you read and I'll tell you who you are, is true enough, but I'd know you better if you told me what you reread.
Guest: Ah, so many interesting things on display. To tell the truth, I don't know what they are called. Can you tell me something about them?
Tell me a story. What do you wanna hear? I don't know. Tell me. Tell me a story about your dad.
Sad day, you start to look for something to blame, like a big shadow. Let me tell you a piece of what you already know. The world is not all sunshine and rainbows. This is a very mean and nasty place.
What does a congressman do? The truth is I don't know, but vote for me and I'll tell you.
When Vincent shouted, "you've got to tell me what you want," Jobs shot back, "you've got to show me some stuff, and I'll know it when I see it."
Mr. Weasley: Now, Harry you must know all about Muggles, tell me, what exactly is the of a rubber duck?
Then what methods should we have to get to know our peer? Let me tell you.
Then what methods should we have to get to know our peer? Let me tell you.