It means I can phone you on what for me is a dreary, wretched Sunday afternoon and for you is the eve of a deadline, knowing you will tell me to come right over, if only to watch you type.
The Lord gently said, " I didn't tell you to make phone calls: I told you to wait on Me.
The Lord gently said, " I didn't tell you to make phone calls: I told you to wait on Me."
Think back to the phone you had in 2006, and then tell me you don’t love Apple for the iPhone alone (yes, I’ve moved on, but the iPhone was the genesis).
Please hold. I'll tell him you're calling. (To Mr. Baker)Sir, Mr. Stewart is on the phone. Do you wish to talk to him?
You tell me it very relaxedly on the phone, but I have seen that heart bleeding clearly.
Will you take Mrs. Stevens aside and tell her that some important news has come through on the phone?
Will you take Mrs. Stevens aside and tell her that some important news has come through on the phone?