So this is a provision that the NRC have put in to be sure that nobody was not telling the whole story.
Try telling yourself this story for the next two weeks, and I bet you will notice a whole new realm of possibilities.
Your co-workers may ask about them and you have the choice of telling them the whole story.. or not.
It was my first film, and I see every mistake, every hang-nail in the whole picture, but I still appreciate it as a piece of story telling.
But there are always instances in gaming where lines and even whole scenes are deleted... or changed for the purposes of telling a better story.
The whole telling of the story is not objective at all, and when you think of it in an objective sort of way, it's a completely different story.
The whole telling of the story is not objective at all, and when you think of it in an objective sort of way, it's a completely different story.