The proper error-compensation method is adopted based on the temperature error model of the accelerometer.
Then, through the model, we can finish easily the accelerometer's temperature error compensation on the software design.
Application acceleration model for the static temperature compensation for temperature error, model accuracy improved significantly.
The features of coke oven flue temperature are analyzed, and a highly accurate soft-sensing model based on error forecasting is established to measure the coke oven flue temperature on-line.
The existing density compensator model does not fit high temperature and pressure saturated vapor, the density compensator precision is low and causes big error in saturated vapor measurement.
In the technology of thermal error compensation in NC machine tool, selecting the temperature variables rationally is key for setting the model of compensation.
The wireless multimedia sensor networks can transmit temperature and image data in multi-hop model with low packet error ratio.
Sensor's error caused by temperature and humidity could be compensated by choosing temperature and humidity as input components of the PCA model.
Sensor's error caused by temperature and humidity could be compensated by choosing temperature and humidity as input components of the PCA model.