Even though one or two degree Celsius rise in sea surface temperature for a relatively short amount of time can cause bleaching.
Short heat shock had a significant inhibiting effect on root growth, which varied from the period treated at, temperature treated on and time treated for.
In these cases, the work is heated to temperature and stabilized for a short period of time and quenched.
The inside of the box will stay several degrees cooler than the outside air temperature. And this may be cool enough to keep foods fresh, at least for a short time.
The experiment result proves that this system has two merits: getting low temperature water invariably for long time and getting mass cold capacity in a short time.
The yield of callus increased apparently by higher temperature preculture for a short time.
According to the analysis, PETM event caused seawater temperature rising and environment change during a short time, larger benthic foraminifera cannot fit for it and begin to extinct.
It can be quicky cured and resisted high temperature for class H in a short curing time and low evaporation losses.
It can be quicky cured and resisted high temperature for class H in a short curing time and low evaporation losses.