A temperature measurement and control system based on CAN bus for intelligent buildings has been designed.
SCM technology temperature measurement and control system with small size, high reliability and are widely used.
Abstract Temperature measurement and control circuit are measuring circuit that were widely used in practical application.
Temperature measurement and control plays a very important role in scientific experiments and industrial and agricultural production.
Temperature measurement and control technology has a wide-spread application in various fields of industry engineering as well as daily lives.
This paper presents a way to design the intelligent temperature measurement and control system based on fuzzy self-tuning PID control algorithm.
With MSP430 MCU core, the temperature measurement and control system which is easy to operate, high automation and easy to expand, has high practical value.
This Paper introduces a digital temperature measurement and control instrument, Which can be adapted for experimenting, studying and redeveloping in laboratory.
Here, a temperature measurement and control system used in high accuracy sphere diameter laser interferometry is introduced, which is based on virtual instrument techniques.
A heating element is designed using resistance heating silk and printed board, and an instrument of temperature measurement and control is designed using transistor as the temperature sensor.
The thesis introduces a long-distance temperature measurement and control system which is based on the LM35 temperature sensor. It mainly discusses the frame and the work theory of the whole system.
本文介绍了一种应用LM 35温度传感器开发的远程温度测量与控制系统,重点阐述了整个系统的结构及其工作原理。
Mainly on the automatic control system for greenhouse design, on the temperature, humidity, light intensity of the principles and methods of measurement.
The new pressure switches with many advantages such as simple circuit and manufacturing technique, lower cost, can be used in measurement, alarm, control of pressure and temperature.
It is more suitable for the continuous temperature measurement and intellectualized control of melting, transfering, pouring and solidification for forming of hot molten metal.
The PLC is used in automatic pressure surge control, oil temperature control, product test control, and automatic measurement of pressure, flow, temperature, speed, torque, etc.
This system has the functions, such as temperature and pressure monitor, water and electricity consumption measurement, motor control and protection, etc.
The measurement of temperature adopts DS18B20 temperature sensor and the measurement value is displayed by LEDs. The Fuel Cell temperature is controlled by cooling fan which adopts PWM control.
This system was composed of a temperature controlled tank , switch measurement circuit , temperature control circuit , interface circuit , an industrial manipulative computer, and so on.
The part on hardware consists of the main control circuit, environment data collecting, temperature measurement and alarm circuit, and power control circuit, etc.
This paper discussed on how to improve the accuracy of coal true relative density measurement in temperature control, blank experiment, process control and enhancing management.
The paper finished a complete intelligent software design, it makes the whole measurement system more intellectualized and realizes automatic plus control, temperature compensate, auto-collate, etc.
In the present system of fire controlling and alarming, it is essential to take the exact measurement and effective control of the actual temperature and its ascending speed in the detecting area.
In order to meet the needs of high accuracy of temperature measurement for a data process and control device, a simple calibration method for the bridge circuit measuring resistances is proposed.
针对“数据处理和控制装置”测温电路的高精度 要求,提出了一种分档电桥电路的标定方法。该方法 不仅简单实用,在电桥分档位较多时,能有效减少标定 的工作量,而且能达到较高的精度。
This paper reviews the work principle of the reactor for deposition temperature, pressure and gas flow control, and the measurement theory of the measurement devices.
Proficiency with methods of level, temperature, pressure and flow measurement is required, as well as knowledge relating to process control, and safety systems.
The instruments for measurement of temperature, pressure, flow, level and concentration, control valves supplied for DCS and relative DCS used in sulphuric acid plants of China are described.
介绍目前我国硫酸装置DCS使用的温度、压力、流量、液位、 成分分析仪表和调节阀以及相关的DCS 系统。
The temperature control system based on DS18B20 adopts C8051F020 and its external interface circuit to carry out the measurement control for direct current manostat power temperature.
基于DS18B20的温度控制系统,利用C8051F 020及其外围接口电路对直流稳压电源温度进行测量控制。
The basic theory of laser remanufacturing need to be developed deeply, which limited the application of it , such as temperature measurement and measurement control, and so on.
Conversion and read data through a unified 89c51 microprocessor, Finally, the digital control demonstrated by numerical measurement of the temperature.
Conversion and read data through a unified 89c51 microprocessor, Finally, the digital control demonstrated by numerical measurement of the temperature.