Tactile, pain perception and temperature sensation are relatively early indicators.
TRP receptors are known to be sensitive to changes in temperature and are likely responsible for temperature sensation.
The “hot” part not only comes fromits searing temperature, but from the fiery Sichuan “flower” pepperwhich produces a spicy, numbing sensation when eaten.
This odd sensation is called paradoxical cold and is caused by the temperature receptors in the skin.
The relation between thermal environment parameters for instance air temperature, relative humidity, air velocity and thermal sensation or thermal comfort has been studied in all environments.
It Showed that skin temperature difference, thermal comfort and sensation comfort varied with different air humidity at the same temperature in conditioning room.
In this paper we have discussed the relation between the whiteness of the light source and lightness, achromatic stimulus sensation and colour temperature etc.
The effect of indoor mean radiant temperature on human thermal sensation was analyzed, according to the theory of thermal comfort.
This study states the relationship among indoor air temperature and thermal sensation of subjects, as well as the relations of PMV and PPD under winter floor heating indoor environment.
Cross cultural studies show that meals are designed to follow strict progression of cues based on shape, colour, temperature, odour, or specific taste sensation.
It expounded the main factors affecting the prickle sensation, such as the cuticle hardness and skin moist degree, temperature and humidity, fiber diameter and fabrics structural characteristics.
Assessment should include a careful history and either temperature or pinprick sensation (small-fiber function) and vibration sensation using a 128-hz tuning fork (large-fiber function).
Assessment should include a careful history and either temperature or pinprick sensation (small-fiber function) and vibration sensation using a 128-hz tuning fork (large-fiber function).