I'm looking for some temporary work.
"I tried temping [temporary work] for a month," he adds.
They have lots of temporary work and difficult conditions.
TMPDIR: Temporary work directory to keep the generated intermediate files.
I'm doing some temporary work to make money until I find a more permanent job.
Export the MyEJBServiceProjectEAR enterprise archive to a temporary work directory.
If I'm not earning enough to pay the bills from a business, I may need to take on temporary work.
Within direct costs, expenses are divided into material, subcontract, temporary work and machinery costs.
As foreigners without appropriate education, they might pick up temporary work that the local people disdain.
You can find freelance and temporary work easily now, but if I were you, I would hold off on taking a permanent position.
The utility model can be used as a vegetable greenhouse and can also be used as a framework of warehouses and temporary work sheds.
The results revealed huge differences in average outcomes for people placed into temporary work and those placed directly with an employer.
结果表明,从事临时性工作的雇员和有固定工作的雇员在个人平均收入上相差很大。 (结果表明,直接安排有固定雇主的工作和安排临时工作在平均成果上有很大差异。)
Zeitarbeit, as temporary work is known, accounts for 1% of all jobs, but for perhaps more than half of all those created in the past year.
Typically, user data includes — but is not limited to — configuration files, deployed applications, log files, temporary work space, and so on.
The high proportion of temporary work breeds insecurity, and people who feel their job is about to disappear may also be more reluctant to spend.
But the cost of protecting insiders falls largely on "outsiders" -the unemployed and those in temporary work, especially young people and immigrants.
Normally, the number of applications for temporary work visas from U.S. employers far outstrips the amount available, but the recession has reduced demand.
Some research has suggested that unemployed workers should take up any job they can get, including temporary work, as a bridge to higher-paying employment.
Consultants with temporary work permits to work extended periods of time in countries other than their originating countries may need to pay taxes in both countries.
In the six years he has lived in Spain, Mr. Jallow has found temporary work in restaurants or in the fields, sometimes making 30 euros, or about $42, for 10 hours of work.
His plan is to pick up temporary work where he can, try to find a roommate, start attending community college classes — and continue offering his dog-walking services.
The deeper causes of weak productivity are a two-tier jobs market, which protects the jobs of older workers in dying industries but traps youngsters in temporary work;
If the Secretary can own more standardized tasks can in the limited time available to complete more work, or have more time to complete the remaining other temporary work.
Owing to the lack of material resources, social connections and personal qualities, A Q could live only on temporary work though he had an economic rationality of diligence at work.
Job security might be out, but freelance, contract, and temporary work is in, which makes it easier than ever to moonlight as a graphic designer while you spend your days as a public relations rep.
I was doing temporary secretarial work.
I was doing temporary secretarial work.