If it goes on for ten years that means that the -it'll double in seven years, so it'd be going up like two and a half fold.
Some scientists have warned that Australia was facing a ten-fold increase in heat waves as a shifting climate increases temperatures.
By unofficial estimates, the average price of a flat in the capital has risen between five and ten-fold in the past decade.
This problem is magnified ten-fold when students have the leisure of completing classes at their own pace.
Penalties increased ten-fold and cohorts of police were mobilized for enforcement.
To achieve the ten-fold improvement in response time, ten servers were used.
要将响应时间加快10 倍,可以使用 10 个服务器。
Each ten-fold increase in a woman's blood was linked to a 30 percent decrease in her odds of getting pregnant.
And according to one auction house, that could increase ten-fold when Kate becomes Queen.
The best estimate is that putting people on a spacecraft multiplies the cost ten-fold.
With ensuring the fault coverage, the adaptive scan can be ten-fold reduction in the number of test vectors, thus reducing test time and ultimately reduce the cost of chip.
These great national problems are not for your professional participation or military solution. Your guidepost stands out like a ten-fold beacon in the night: Duty, Honor, Country.
I want him for their own pay a slap in the face of this ten-fold, a hundredfold, and even greater price.
Simply stated, if your 2nd Messengers are operating optimally, the muscle building effects of Testosterone are increased ten-fold!
If one compounds that rate over ten years, they were expecting an increase of a factor of 2.5, and, if one extrapolates , a 2000-fold increase over the course of a lifetime.
If one compounds that rate over ten years, they were expecting an increase of a factor of 2.5, and, if one extrapolates , a 2000-fold increase over the course of a lifetime.