The feature started at9 o'clock and ended at ten thirty.
I finally finished it at ten thirty when I discovered my brother playing his game boy instead of sleeping.
Thirty years from now Mr Son wants Softbank to be one of the world’s top ten firms, valued at around $2 trillion.
Simply dedicate a small chunk of time to basic idea generation: ten minutes, twenty, thirty, it’s up to you.
It was ten-thirty. AWednesday.
"We are facing an unsustainable situation, " says Diwan Singh, a Delhi environmental activist. "Soon—not in thirty years but in five to ten—there will be an exodus because of the lack of water."
Many attitudes and beliefs that were relevant thirty, ten or even only five years ago, are now less significant or of no consequence.
Thirty-eight states use more energy each year than the "Mountain state," including Iowa, which is in the top ten on our list.
Very young he looked; though his actual age was thirty-nine, one would have called him ten years younger, at least.
For people after the age of ten, eight years, thirty years, but it is a matter between the seams, and for young people, five years three years can be a lifetime.
Thirty-nine percent of the people who purchased a home in the last ten years owe more they could ever recoup by selling.
We see around ten cases a day, sometimes twenty, thirty malaria cases a day.
IT’S BEEN ALMOST ten years since I first ran for political office. I was thirty-five at the time, four years out of law school, recently married, and generally impatient with life.
He holds ten semiconductor technology patents, and has published more than thirty technical articles.
For the ten years ended June 30, 2005, it returned 9.9% per year and then the average return for the actively managed equity fund was 9.6% per year, so we're back to that thirty basis points.
Around ten-thirty that night, they ended up back in Madeleine's dorm room.
It's quite simple: a PowerPoint presentation should have ten slides, last no more than twenty minutes, and contain no font smaller than thirty points.
Ten-thousand does not seem like the average price of thirty stocks.
A treatment is essentially a prose synopsis of your screenplay that is usually between ten and thirty pages long.
The compensation given to farmers was usually less than ten percent, on average around thirty percent, of the land transfer charges.
I usually get up at six thirty, but during the holidays I get up at ten for a change.
Ten soldiers were killed and thirty wounded.
And then about ten or ten-thirty, the relatives will start turning up to their house and everyone will bring something for a barbecue.
No way was I going tu be caught up in the old ten dollars for thirty coupons scam.
If you ran a total of thirty minutes last week, don't increase this by more than ten minutes the following week.
As the saying goes, hit one thousand, at ten thousand, thirty at night to eat meal.
As the saying goes, hit one thousand, at ten thousand, thirty at night to eat meal.