Ten years ago today the world's last major financial crisis began in Bangkok with speculative attacks on the Thai baht.
Few people knew about online food delivery apps ten years ago, but today, many would find it hard to live without them.
Today, a Russian Jew in Moscow will be more expensively dressed than his cousin in Tel Aviv: a big reversal from ten years ago.
Ten years ago only 10% of people in Novosasitli were Salafis. Today at least 50% are, and almost all the young embrace it.
Today, 54% of the traffic originating in Asia goes through Unites States compared to 91% ten years ago.
The conditions that existed ten years ago are reproduced today.
The answers (no, yes, yes, no) come from understanding that the abundance of stars ten years ago and the seeming scarcity today share a common cause.
Ten years ago, the idea that the vision-impaired or even the blind might use the Web seemed ridiculous; today it is a simple reality.
The first year, I thought what our marriage would like to be ten years later. Today, I plaint that why should our marriage like that ten years ago.
You can weigh the same amount today as you weighed ten years ago but be much less healthy because your muscle has been replaced with fat.
The other thing which is clear today is that the prevailing assumption ten years ago that media consumption patterns globally would more or less mimic the US market is seriously flawed.
One big difference today compared with ten years ago is the degree to which China moves global markets: equities, commodities, you name it.
One big difference today compared with ten years ago is the degree to which China moves global markets: equities, commodities, you name it.