After financial disasters family members also tend to do whatever they can to help each other and their communities.
Older workers tend to do better in recessions.
There are seasonal patterns (stocks tend to do well in January and poorly during the summer).
As general guidance, analytical minds and detail-oriented folks tend to do well as product owners.
And in societies which make breeding and working compatible, by contrast, women tend to do both.
But that's not what most of us tend to do. When we get laid off, we feel singled out and helpless.
But small companies tend to do things cheaply based on old technology and the risks are increased.
Those who manage to roll with the punches, and enjoy change rather than fighting it, tend to do well.
Married males, who enjoy the support of their wives, tend to do better in business than unmarried males.
Therefore, they tend to do a very poor job of testing the integration of several asynchronous components.
I tend to do a lot of "share pairs" where people get a chance to do a debrief with someone else in the room.
When it comes down to it, she says, “I tend to do it all—from the cooking to taking care of the kids’ needs.”
"As much as things have changed over the years, women still tend to do more of the household work," Smith said.
Although the average age of people getting married in North America is creeping upward, people still tend to do it.
The movie ends and we’re done, instead of mindlessly switching from channel to channel as you tend to do with a television.
The movie ends and we're done, instead of mindlessly switching from channel to channel as you tend to do with a television.
To be sure, sales of new homes did tend to do a little worse during recessions, but the difference was small and short-lived.
A graphical login screen is OK for a workstation, but administrators tend to do most of their system configuration from the command line.
One possible explanation is social isolation-we tend to do more things on our own and engage in fewer group activities than we used to.
Users are still sharing photos and videos and Posting blog entries, they just tend to do this within a social networking site these days.
The exception is when people are warned that they might be vulnerable to a thinking bias, in which case those with high IQs tend to do better.
"The older a dad is, the worse his children tend to do in intelligence tests," said study leader John McGrath from the University of Queensland.
Most likely, this difference reflects the specialized optimizations used by the Sun Hot Spot JVMs, which tend to do poorly in simple benchmarks.
“I certainly don’t see myself growing older, fatter and grumpier in the front row, which a lot of my dearly beloved colleagues tend to do, ” he said.
“我不想看到自己在第一排的位子上变得越来越老、越来越胖还越来越暴躁,但我很多亲爱的同事们却希望那样。” 他说。
“I certainly don’t see myself growing older, fatter and grumpier in the front row, which a lot of my dearly beloved colleagues tend to do, ” he said.
“我不想看到自己在第一排的位子上变得越来越老、越来越胖还越来越暴躁,但我很多亲爱的同事们却希望那样。” 他说。