Rough in manner but withal a noble, tender-hearted man, he suddenly saw a three-year-old girl toddling out of an alley accompanied by a dog.
Your existence is such an unbelievably fantastic event in this miracle of life that the best and only real option is to become the most tender-hearted, loving and kind individual you can possibly be.
在生命的奇迹中,你的存在奇妙得令人难以置信,你真正最好的选择,那就是变成最慈悲、最有爱、最友善的人。 。
KIND means forgiving, warm-hearted, friendly, of a sympathetic or helpful nature, gentle, merciful, and tender.
KIND means forgiving, warm-hearted, friendly, of a sympathetic or helpful nature, gentle, merciful, and tender.