I knew TJ was different when he was just three days old. He was very fretful, he'd be up feeding all night and was always very tense.
Just like your muscles need to relax after they tense up, you need to relax after short bursts of focused work.
If you're in an unfamiliar environment, it's only human nature to close yourself up and be tense.
When we are tense, the body produces cortisol which can speed up the metabolism, resulting in stress break-outs on the skin surface and premature ageing.
Another great relaxationtechnique is to tense up and then relax each musclein your body, one at a time, starting from your toes up to your head.
Many toxic compounds are bitter, so the researchers expected the lung muscle to tense up and contract—to compel the breather to move away from whatever was bitter and perhaps toxic.
The morning I described above still makes me tense up some 7 years later.
Most interviewees require a lavish show of flattery before they will relax but McCartney is the opposite: she seems to tense up and retreat the instant she thinks I'm buttering her up.
And until the tight global credit logjam really can be broken up, the currently tense economic climate will remain.
Make some silly noises while shaking out your entire body or jumping up and down to let go of any other tense areas that may be stuck.
With the procedure complete, and the rhinos waking up sleepy from the anaesthetic - the scientists are now in for a tense wait.
You know what happens when you've been sitting at your desk too long: your muscles tense up, your eyes glaze over, and your energy lags.
That in turn causes the yarns to tense up and actually get shorter, shrinking the jeans.
Lying in bed, starting from your legs and moving up to your head, tense your muscles one at a time, then release.
All this will do is make you tense up with frustration and dam your creativity.
Right before I go on camera, I tense up. It's like I never got over my fear of being laughed at.
But that's not something you do on the northern side of the DMZ, surrounded by heavily armed border guards. It's pretty tense up there.
We use the past perfect continuous tense to show that an action started in the past and continued up until another time in the past.
Where previously you were quite relaxed and focused, you now tense up and question your ability.
Where previously you were quite relaxed and focused, you now tense up and question your ability.
When we frown, we tighten up our faces and our bodies become tense.
If you start to get unduly tense, or frustrated, simply get up and walk away for a few minutes.
Sometimes, I get so tense but I can't speed up the time. But you know, love, there's one more thing to consider.
Your heart starts to pound and the muscles in your legs and arms tense up.
Right before I go on camera, I tense up. Its like I never got over my fear of being laughed at.
It follows a tense election campaign which descended into bitterness in the days leading up to the vote.
It follows a tense election campaign which descended into bitterness in the days leading up to the vote.