They are all standing tensely .
She waited tensely for the next bulletin...
He asks tensely " either, I am Zhang Fei! " wow! This…
Tensely Grief was trying to estimate the boss'character from his face.
He tensely ran his fingers through his hair as he sat in the dentist's waiting room.
For the arrival of this one hour, each preparation work is being prepared tensely in.
"At least you can Apparate, though!" said Ron tensely. "you'll have no trouble come July!"
He not only beholds in tensely the present as it is, but he beholds the future in the present.
The busier we are, the more tensely we feel we are alive, the more we perceive the existence of life.
In preface, the author tensely discusses the necessary of the study and the scientific of the sample.
Aeriform lieutenant general does group of relations intimately to be done aloof and tensely originally.
I walked crazily, I introduced myself tensely and showed my real purpose incoherently, but he smiled all the time.
When receiving the pressure tensely, our metabolism will be accelerated, therefore make the level of the potassium lower.
Like them, their friends, neighbors, and acquaintances tensely wait for the end of the ultimatum, their anxiety increasing.
Must harness the water according to law, so that make to save and rational use water, develop productive forces in tensely.
The relationship between Li Xue and San Yan and Er Pai is twofold :at once tensely opposing to and mutually merging into each other .
People who are too anxious either refuse to go into cars at all or drive so tensely and overcautiously that they help cause accidents.
He had a manner of sitting tensely on the edge of a chair and lifting his face toward the speaker, eyes crinkling with anticipation and attention.
Passive euthanasia has been accepted by the majority of the people and the society of Japan, but active euthanasia has been opposed actively and tensely.
I heard some people gasp. I looked around. The other passengers were talking excitedly to each other or sitting up tensely. A man was wiping his forehead.
And they could laugh at themselves and laugh at others; laugh about ridiculous things in this life when many people cling so tensely and take so seriously.
You can take some chocolates to supplement energy when you have no enough time to have breakfast, or work tensely, or feel tiredly, or take great amount of exercise.
This project implemented more than 1 month tensely in accordance with established program that co-ordination and support by the parties, then successfully passed the test.
Captain TT was tensely alert. He explained that with 22 years of experience fishing in this area, he knows it intimately and he can recognize other ships by their lamplight.
The numerical calculation and trail research showed : the flood dam and deep hole traitor fill the bill of dynamic tensely , therefore the dynamic character design is reasonable.
For regions with high grey-scale level or with tensely variable grey level, the image enhancement coefficients shall be adaptively controlled based on local mean value and variance.
For regions with high grey-scale level or with tensely variable grey level, the image enhancement coefficients shall be adaptively controlled based on local mean value and variance.