No term of endearment crossed their lips.
I have no reason to expect this term of endearment and affection from God the Father.
English speakers borrowed the idea, and sweet + heart has been a term of endearment -particularly for romantic love -since the Middle Ages.
英语语言者借用了这一思想,于是从中世纪开始,sweet +heart就成为了一个表达爱意的词,尤其是浪漫的爱情。
English speakers borrowed the idea, and sweet + heart has been a term of endearment - particularly for romantic love - since the Middle Ages.
英语语言者借用了这一思想,于是从中世纪开始,sweet +heart就成为了一个表达爱意的词,尤其是浪漫的爱情。
English speakers borrowed the idea, and sweet + heart has been a term of endearment - particularly for romantic love - since the Middle Ages.
英语语言者借用了这一思想,于是从中世纪开始,sweet +heart就成为了一个表达爱意的词,尤其是浪漫的爱情。