After a lot of agonizing she decided to terminate the pregnancy.
People are often hesitant to terminate a project when they've already invested time or resources into it, even if it might make logical sense to do so.
This train will terminate at Lamy.
They frequently terminate at a recessional moraine.
Mossy fibres terminate in the stratum lucidum of area CA3.
苔藓纤维终止于 CA3区透明层。
On z/OS, use the terminate function after CANCEL has been issued multiple times without success.
在z/OS 上,当CANCEL发布多次未成功之后将使用终止功能。
50 limits recursion to a depth of 50 nested calls before the application is forced to terminate.
例如,xdebug.max_nesting_level =50 将把递归深度限定为 50 次嵌套调用,然后将强制终止应用程序。
On a WebSphere distributed server, the terminate function terminates a server by calling an operation system sigkill.
The Allow termination of remote VM flag is a toggle that determines whether the Terminate command is enabled in the debugger.
Allowterminationofremote VM标志是一个开关,它确定调试器中是否支持Terminate命令。
In this code: pid_t waitpid(pid_t pid, int *status, int options), waitpid() infinitely waits for the child process to terminate.
在这段代码中:pid_twaitpid(pid_t pid,int *status, intoptions),waitpid()会无限期等待子进程的终止。
If the program has not fully executed when you are done debugging, select the Terminate option from the context menu in the debug view.
Calling the class static void main (String args) directly won't work as expected, because it would invoke System.exit and so terminate the Workbench.
直接调用类staticvoidmain (Stringargs)不会如预期一样工作,因为它将调用System . exit终止Workbench。
Workload management determined that the WebSphere Application Server servant region was hung and issued an EC3 abend to terminate the servant process.
工作负载管理系统判断theWebSphereApplicationServer服务区域已挂起,发出了EC3 abend来终止服务进程。
The process interfaces are used for initiating the process itself or for controlling aspects of the process (for example, wait, terminate, compensate).
If there is more than one server running and the queue is less than 5, the script does some more checking to see if it should terminate an instance.
The pattern in Figure 28 summarizes our discussion and recommends that you rejoin parallel branches before adding a stop node to terminate the process.
Once you have defined the source and target, select Finish, which causes the transformation configuration wizard to create your configuration and terminate.
Interruption allows a cancelable activity to clean up any work in progress, restore invariants, notify other activities of the cancellation, and then terminate.
The QUIT command stops the command line processor, but does not remove the associated back-end process; to do that, you need to issue the TERMINATE command.
It's worth noting that, unless you catch exceptions that are thrown from the constructor, your PHP script will terminate if it could not connect to the database.
A Professional may only terminate his contract on this basis in the 15days following the last Official Match of the Season of the club for which heis registered.
The downside of the lsof command is that you always have to either contact users and ask them to terminate certain processes or manually terminate them yourself.
A final state is used to identify normal or expected state machine completion, while a terminate state should be used to identify abnormal or unexpected completion.
A linked list consists of a node structure that contains two members: the data it is holding and a pointer to another node structure (or NULL, to terminate the list).
If the service fails because the provider was unable to handle a surge in demands dynamically, you want to get credits, refunds, free months, or terminate the service.
The marker's first number represents time in abstract units; the second optional number enclosed in parenthesis is the number of requests that terminate at this point.
But at a mediation the two sides can agree to adjust the loan, reduce the monthly payments or decide to sell the house at a lower price and terminate the mortgage.
If multiple namespaces are specified in a single server entry, authentication to all namespaces must be made otherwise the application will terminate the audit run.
When this happens, the control region will terminate the servant region by default, to clean up the environment and prevent important system resources from being locked.
They can specify how many times you can sell, lend, give, or lease the same content and what conditions they will use to terminate the agreement to transfer the content.