If EMI's fate is uncertain, the same is true of Terra Firma.
如果说百代公司的命运还不确定,Terra Firma也是一样。
Whether Terra Firma will be able to raise another fund successfully remains to be seen.
Terra Firma, a competitor, has struggled to control debt-laden EMI, a music company it bought.
它的竞争对手Terra Firma(拉丁文,Solid Ground)也在为掌控其收购的负债累累的百代唱片公司而伤透脑筋。
He is currently a Senior Advisor at Terra Firma, as well as a Non-Executive Director of DTZ Plc.
In the event the end came sooner than expected: on February 1st Terra Firma handed EMI over to Citi.
最后,结局来得比想象中的早:2月1日Terra Firma公司吧百代公司交到了花旗集团手上。
However, over the years reptiles, birds and mammals lost their electrosense as it wasn’t needed for life on terra firma.
And Terra Firma itself is suing Citi for fraud for allegedly tricking the firm into buying EMI and taking on so much debt.
Terra Firma正以诈骗罪起诉花旗银行,称花旗欺骗其买入百代并承担高额债务。
Terra Firma acquired EMI in a leveraged buy-out in 2007 and has struggled with a loan it obtained from Citi to fund the deal.
2007年,Terra Firma通过杠杆式收购获得百代,却一直难以清偿为完成此交易而向花旗贷的款项。
If Terra Firma can't manage to muster empathy from a mostly working-class jury, he is unlikely to get it from hard-nosed investors.
Terra Firma was hoping to prevail in court and make Citigroup pay it billions of dollars in damages, which could help it revive EMI.
The real question, Jungers says, is why we abandoned that strategy or chose an alternative strategy — the alternative being full-time living on terra firma.
If Terra Firma does not invest more equity in EMI, it will have to frantically look for a buyer, or hand it over to Citigroup, which financed the deal.
如果Terra Firma私募公司不能给百代唱片注入更多的资金的话,那么它将被迫寻找新的买家,或者把它移交给曾经为此桩交易做贷款人的花旗。
Terra Firma, a British outfit, has struggled to keep control of one of its main portfolio companies, EMI, a record label, which it bought in a highly leveraged deal in 2007.
英国私募公司Terra Firma努力以免失去其在2007高杠杆收购的百代唱片公司(EMI)。
DURING his testimony in a New York court on October 19th, Guy Hands, the boss of Terra Firma, a European private-equity firm, compared suing Citigroup to “putting a stick into a dragon”.
一家欧洲私募公司Terra Firma的老板盖汉斯先生十月19日在纽约法庭上作证时曾把状告花旗集团的一桩案子比作“太岁头上动土。”
Now Terra Firma will have to look to its investors to raise more money, many of whom may not look favourably on the request, given that they paid too much for the company in the first place.
Now Terra Firma will have to look to its investors to raise more money, many of whom may not look favourably on the request, given that they paid too much for the company in the first place.