And our statistics there have been not terrific as a country, although I'm delighted to see what's happening here in Princeton.
Every child in the United States should learn Spanish, beginning in elementary school; Chinese makes a terrific addition to Spanish, but not a substitute.
He imagines giving up that terrific drive towards imagination and idealization and a return to the "rag and bone shop of the heart".
It's worth remembering, however, that though a clean copy fresh off a printer may look terrific, it will read only as well as the thinking and writing that have gone into it.
To deal with the rabbit problem, settlers introduced stoats — a member of the weasel clan and a terrific predator.
为了应对兔子的问题,定居者们引进了白鼬。 白鼬是黄鼠狼家族的一员——也是一个恐怖的掠食者。
The capital investment that would bring, the jobs that would bring, the other indirect economic activity...Well, I think that would be a terrific success.
This machinery is so precise that a human hair couldn't even pass between the heads and spinning platters, yet it all works in terrific speeds.
It's really a terrific Podcast, and he is a great guest, so please go to our website and listen to that.
A: Sounds like some terrific plans for leisure.
Mr. Behnke describes Ms. Jones as a "terrific" colleague.
They have the most knowledge about communication trends within the business and will be your biggest supporter because social computing tools are a terrific way to communicate on any level.
Preferably, choose a time when you can watch the sunset after you have your romantic meal. This will be a terrific Valentine's Day date.
Cotton praised Israel as "a terrific individual" whose work has been "commendable."
And you've managed to build a terrific Web application, with nearly 100 pages — some static HTML and some generated with PHP scripts.
The firm has been wooing new customers at a terrific pace, but even before the scandal broke its shares had fallen by more than half from the bubbly days of 2007.
So you see, we have a terrific example here of a gigantic rift between two camps.
For moms who like to exercise, shop or are just always on the go, a lightweight, reusable compact tote is a terrific gift.
So to deal with the rabbit problem, settlers introduced stoats - a member of the weasel clan and a terrific predator.
If this is your case, this is a terrific moment to start taking more risks when interacting with others.
He drove his car at a terrific speed and at the same time he enjoyed the terrific view.
Once you've sorted through what can be discarded, recycled or given away, then buy file folders, shelving, paint, cleaning equipment or whatever you need to do a terrific job.
A woman's body is like a violin and all, and that it takes a terrific musician to play it right.
As I returned home, great black clouds came up and there was a terrific storm with torrents of rain.
The experience of theater can be a terrific way to get out some of these things.
I'm very lucky because we've got a terrific team, and they are much smarter than me on many things.
If he is fired, he'll be employed again very quickly. I think he's a terrific young coach, and he'll get better and better.
In a terrific 2009 essay called "Crap Detection 101" (riffing off a long-ago line from Ernest Hemingway), he wrote about some of the ways to check things out.
It's a complete disservice and incredibly demeaning to a terrific work force and a company that's been a jobs and opportunity machine for 50 years.
We also have a terrific syndicated loan group — led by Andy o 'brien — that stepped up when they needed to.
We also have a terrific syndicated loan group — led by Andy o 'brien — that stepped up when they needed to.