Many a time has the girl changed her answers in the test paper because she is not confident enough of herself especially when it comes to a critical moment.
One way to determine your foot shape is to do a "wet test"—wet your foot, step on a piece of brown paper and trace your footprint.
When placed on the ground, baits should be situated on small paper cards or other flat, light-colored surfaces, or in test-tubes or vials.
I sat nervously as the teacher started to hand out the test paper.
Anyway on the test paper, I had written down what Mr. Jackson said in class.
With these words, the student put his test paper on the desk and walked to the door.
Furthermore, the same results were obtained by simply having a column on the test paper for subjects to fill in their gender, without any comments about gender being made.
Test paper Analysis and Evaluation System is an important tool to evaluate and summarize the quality of various test papers.
The test question management module includes up-loading test questions, managing test questions and auto producing test paper.
Older children were set a test paper but were told they must not look at the answers printed on the back.
First, we analysis the evaluation indicators in automatic test paper system, the role of indicators and the relationship of them.
Results covering the fake positive and negative result in test of inspecting urine albumen, blood and white blood cell on chemistry test paper.
OK, I write the number of words, I don't need you, you go back to your English test paper!
Methods: Manual standard methods were combined with dry chemistry test paper to make the results more accurate and credible.
I tried to make sense of these English words in the test paper, but in vain, so I took a peep at my e-dictionary.
Furthermore, it also describes the design ideas of the key parts, which are the algorithm of generating test paper automatically and the exchange of heterogeneous data.
Automatic Test Paper is a combination of multi-objective constrained optimization problem.
On this basis we use a weighted indicators and building a test paper to assess the overall function.
The quality of test paper is very important to evaluate the ability of the tester, and the grade distribution curve is its main evaluating standard.
After having brunch, I continued to put into the questions in the biology final test paper about grade seven.
I handed over my test paper. Leaving the last question unanswered. Just before the lesson ended, another student inquired if the last question would be marked.
I handed over my test paper. Leaving the last question unanswered. Just before the lesson ended, another student inquired if the last question would be marked.