Thus continuing the regular measurements of the bending curves of the test-piece, one could construct a creep curve.
There is a fixed relationship between the gauge length and the cross-sectional area of the test-piece at the reduced diameter.
Through the microstructure analysis and residual stress measurement on a quenching test-piece, the feasibility of the numerical simulation is proved.
A bending of the test-piece should be reduced to a difference between the profile at the measurement and the initial profile which was determined before bending.
The effect of preheating, test-piece thickness and coupling agents on the electric properties and the mechanical properties of the materials have been specially studied.
The residual strength is usually used to measure the fatigue failure, but so much work is needed to do and the cost is high and only one data is acquired for one test-piece.
One way to determine your foot shape is to do a "wet test"—wet your foot, step on a piece of brown paper and trace your footprint.
About one year ago, he got this new piece of tech which is like a test tube.
A reference is a uniquely identifiable piece of text to be reused in another part of a test.
To test code that accesses hardware, you must write a piece of code that responds in a way similar to the hardware.
This allows us to test a non deterministic piece of software as though it were entirely predictable.
It is far easier to migrate, test and integrate one small piece than to attempt to do the same with a larger set of functionality.
He's referring to Android's compatibility test suite, or CTS, an automated litmus test to measure whether or not a piece of hardware can claim to run Android.
我们的态度没有改变:没有锁定或者限制用户自定义界面。 “他指的是安卓的兼容性测试套装,又称CTS,一个自动检测一个硬件可否运行安卓。
The image below illustrates a piece of an SDD file that carries out a test case.
We would specify a new piece of software, then program it, then test it then launch it for the first customers.
One way to determine yours is to do a "wet test" — wet your foot, step on a piece of brown paper and trace your footprint.
It consisted of a test-tube with a wet piece of cotton as worms will never survive in case of bad humidity.
For a SIP test, the SIP call flow in this TAB is a very important and pertinent piece of information.
As if she had a protractor in her head, she also sees precise angles. “When I draw a piece of equipment, I can test run it in my mind.”
This test piece shall be welded using the identical welding parameters as the original test and only weld metal impact test specimens shall be tested.
The additional test specimens can be taken from the same test piece if there is sufficient material or from a new test piece.
If the test piece fails to comply with any of the requirements for visual examination or NDT specified in 7.5, one further test piece shall be welded and subjected to the same examination.
Using traditional interferometric method, as the germanium material is too soft to process, the surface form of the test piece may not meet the requirement for the measurement.
The method uses laser speckle technique to record the shift amount of speckle patterns due to micro wedge angles, and thus micro wedge cangles of the test piece are induced.
When impact requirements apply, the upper limit of heat input qualified is 25 % greater than that used in welding the test piece.
If tack welds are to be fused into the final joint they shall be included in the test piece.
It is permissible to change the specific make of filler material to another with the same compulsory part of the designation when an additional test piece is welded.
The utility model relates to a liquid test piece for measuring liquid, which comprises a base plate, an interlayer, and a top head piece.
本实用新型一种液体检测试片,用于液体量测,其包含一基板、一中 间层、一上盖片。
The utility model relates to a liquid test piece for measuring liquid, which comprises a base plate, an interlayer, and a top head piece.
本实用新型一种液体检测试片,用于液体量测,其包含一基板、一中 间层、一上盖片。