It has improved the accuracy and the speed of tool setting. At the same time, a tool setting approach with standard test bar touching cutter was introduced.
The file contains the code described in this article along with the sample properties file, the file, and several test bar files
该文件中包含了本文描述的代码、示例属性文件、brokerbar . properties文件和若干用作测试的bar文件(M220 . bar . bar、M660 . bar和xsltBar . bar)。
If the bar exam is truly a stern enough test for a would-be lawyer, those who can sit it earlier should be allowed to do so.
It means you can package a BAR file once, test it on a development machine using one set of parameter values, and then deploy it to the production environment using another, without recompiling.
You can configure the test client configuration with various options, such as BAR file names and whether to read or browse MQ output messages.
I get a warm and fuzzy feeling when I see that big green bar because it lets me know that the test passed.
The bar on left depicts the percentage of requests that were run verses that were successful on all machines in the SIP network domain under test.
To test future rocket designs, NASA is employing an age-old bar trick: Slowly and deliberately apply pressure to an aluminum can until it crumples. No foreheads will be involved, however.
Enyart, 32, said she was greatly relieved that she wouldn't be distracted by unfamiliar test conditions when taking the Feb. 23 exam for admission to the State Bar of California.
To test the new hidden navigation bar, you have to enable the feature from the about: flags panel and then toggle it from the TAB context menu.
When the status bar appears, test execution begins and a Progress Summary is displayed.
If you want to test the portlet from the same computer where Pluto is installed, you won't be able to see the progress bar because the maximum upload size is set to 20mb.
如果从安装了Pluto的计算机测试此portlet,就不会看到进度条,原因是所设置的上载大小最大为20 MB。
To open a saved test, click the load icon on the top tool bar, browse to the project that contains your test files, and then select the.exetrace file for the test that you want to rerun.
Obviously, I don't have a Person class yet so my test is having some trouble running — JUnit gives me a red bar.
Naturally, running the JUnit test runner against this test suite produces the expected output: either the "." or the green bar, depending on my choice of test runners (console or GUI).
自然,针对这套测试运行JUnit 测试运行器会生成预计输出:要么是“.” ,要么是绿条,这与所选择的测试运行器有关(控制台或GUI)。
To test that Emacs is finding your initialization file, use your favorite text editor to add the entry in Listing 1, which turns on the clock in the Emacs status bar.
And the right bar of SearchMash (Google's test search site) shows that Google is planning more features.
A federal judge orders the National Conference of Bar Examiners to let Stephanie Enyart, 32, take the test on a laptop equipped with software that magnifies the text and converts it to an audio feed.
一位联邦法官勒令律师资格考试考官全国大会允许32岁的Stephanie Enyart使用笔记本电脑,以利用安装在电脑上的软件来放大文字并将其转化为音频馈送。
In order to evaluate the safety of anti herbicide gene (BAR) transgenic rice, acute toxicity experiments, mutation experiments and a 30 day feeding test were conducted.
On the basis of relevant test, the curved bear capacity of carbon fiber cloth reinforce reinforcing bar steel fiber concrete beam is studied.
A new magnetostriction material boring bar is presented for precision finishing of different types of odd-shaped pinholes, and structural optimization and test validation are carried out.
RESULTS:Force platform could be used to test the static maximum force and the fatigue characteristics of the muscle during stand up by an additional bar frame .
Basic formulas for the calculation of bar to bar voltage distributing curve of DC motor commutator are derived and test-verified.
Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture techniques - Bar code print quality test specification - Linear symbols.
Besides, the crossing contrast test has teen made by using bar forgings, the test result shows that forging MB26 ingot is practicable.
同时还与棒材锻件做了交叉对比试验研究,试验结果表明,用MB 26铸锭锻造是可行的。
I failed my test and my girlfriend broke up with me so I'm going to the bar to forget about my worries.
The test and application experience of inserted bar anchorage technology in water tank consolidation and renovation is introduced in conformity with the project example.
The problem existed in many supervision and test for the thickness of protection layer for steel bar in engineering structure body are approached and some suggestion are proposed in this paper.
The feasibility of a glued double-plated grip method and dense corrugated steel bar grip manner is demonstrated by test.
The feasibility of a glued double-plated grip method and dense corrugated steel bar grip manner is demonstrated by test.