A laboratory is qualified to perform, which is specific test, evaluation and calibration, lists of the equipment which it USES to perform the above.
Work closely with manufacture process and NPI engineer to architect, define and deliver optical characterization equipment and various test and calibration fixtures.
Training includes field mapping, laboratory analysis, assay analysis, test equipment operation and calibration, environmental and safety monitoring, and related subjects.
The technician also maintains quality control in the lab, including the calibration and repair of lab test equipment.
The system can perform automatic synthesis calibration of much more types of ATE and Special Purpose Test Equipment. Servicing efficiency and quality of measurement support is improved.
The Quality Department is responsible for the calibration of the inspection, measuring and test equipment as well as the analysis of the measurement system.
Calibration certificate for all measuring instruments and valid load test certificate for all lifting tools &equipment must be produced.
Xenon weatherometer is a weathering test equipment with xenon arc lamp, but there are not calibration Specifications and measuring instruments in domestic.
The calibration and test equipment shall be preserved, handled and stored in accordance with the "Inspection, Measuring and test equipment Control Procedure".
The earth simulator is an important ground simulation test and precision calibration equipment for infrared earth sensor which is the key component in the satellite controlling system.
CALIBRATION the operation that is required to determine the accuracy of measuring and test equipment.
A standard impulse signal generator with high stability is an important equipment for routine test and calibration of digital recorders for measurement in high-voltage impulse tests.
The system then polls the instrument bus to find connected instruments, which includes equipment under test and those instruments used as calibration standards.
The results indicate that the design of the model is correct, the test equipment is reasonable, the tidal control is advanced, the date collection is dependable and the model calibration is critical.
In this paper, the calibration serial methods of special test equipment and in the way of their application are described. The idea and situation used of these methods are presented also.
In this paper, the calibration serial methods of special test equipment and in the way of their application are described. The idea and situation used of these methods are presented also.