If recognition scores indicate that matches are weak, examine your test object map.
The appobjects folder contains GUI objects obtained by the test object map feature.
appobjects 文件包含了测试对象映射特性获取的GUI对象。
You can change the label of the text object, by selecting the link Update the test object map.
The order of the objects in the object browser is different from those in the test object map.
You can create a new test object map by either basing it on an existing map or adding objects as required.
According to the test object Browser, you we can see many objects that are missing in the test object map.
根据Test ObjectBrowser,您可以在测试对象映射中看到许多的对象。
Optionally, Rational Functional Tester can update scripts you select to point to the newly merged test object map.
Open the test object map, and then change the property values that are GUI display values to key names of the resource files.
When you record a script, Rational Functional Tester automatically creates a test object map for the application-under-test.
Find the Place Order button, guided by the hint of the hierarchical relationship given by the test object map generated just now.
That is, drag the "hand" icon (see Figure 3) over the control and release to enter the object into a Functional Tester Test object Map.
更确切地说,将“手”图标(参见图3)拖到控件上,释放以向FunctionalTesterTest Object map中输入对象。
You can also convert properties to regular expressions and numeric ranges from within the Verification Point Editor, or the test object map.
When you change some values of the resource file, and then restart Rational Functional Tester, you can see changed values in the test object map.
Open the test object map, and then change the property values that are GUI display values to key names of the resource file, as shown in Figure 14.
Although the specified TestObject does not have to be from the Test object Map, it must be the same object consistently for the results to be meaningful.
尽管这个具体的TestObject并不一定要来自Test Object Map,但是它必须是与有意义的结果一致的同一个对象。
For Rational Functional Tester to recognize an object in the application under test, the object properties must match the properties that are recorded in test object map.
With the jar file provided with the QSE framework, you can define the methods shown in Figure 3 and Listing 1 to get GUI objects obtained by the Test object Map feature.
对于QSE框架提供的jar文件,您可以定义如图3和列表1所示的方法,以得到Test Object map特性获取的GUI对象。
For every TestObject in a generated test script, a corresponding object exists in the application that you recorded against, and that object now also exists in the test object Map.
对于产生测试脚本中的每个TestObject,一个相应的对象存在于这个您所记录的相应的应用软件中,并且这个对象同时也存在于Test Object map中。
Sometimes, you need to perform verification points on test objects that aren't in your object map.
有些时候 ,您需要在您的对象图上没有的测试对象上执行验证点。
The Test Objects pane contains a tree that's a partial version of the script's object map.
The buttons register as GUI test objects in the object Map, and they are assigned indexes that correspond to their positions in the applet.
In addition, Rational functional Tester includes a Siebel Automation Framework, which allows you to create functional test scripts without using the recorder or the object map.
Your test case will populate an input Address object, invoke the map to produce an output AddressCSV object, and then compare the resulting AddressCSV object with the expected results.
Because you don't know the name of the place before runtime, you can't add the resulting link to the object map when you are recording your test case.
Because you don't know the name of the place before runtime, you can't add the resulting link to the object map when you are recording your test case.