It was Monday afternoon and we had two nights to study before the test on Wednesday.
Perform a component test on the SCA module.
Unselect "Run test on Server" (selected by default).
取消选中的“Runtest onServer”(缺省选中)。
Molly: As is the norm, we have a test on Monday. Shouldn't you study?
What I've just said here won't come up on the test on Thursday. OK.
Obama was careful to say that he would impose no litmus test on potential nominees.
To assess how easily you will learn, go through our Self-Test on Learning English.
To run the client on the embedded test server, select run test on server, then Finish.
要在嵌入式的测试服务器上运行客户端,选择Runtest onserver,然后选择Finish。
Another area where they are useful is where we want run different sets of test on data.
And just to keep the rhythm going, we will have a test on Tuesday, the weekly quiz.
In Step 2, the adapter receives the request and begins running the test on the test machine.
Below is a step-by-step guide to performing a coverage test on the internationalized content.
If you want to know how your app performs on a given device, you need to test on that device.
A laboratory technician performs the required test on the sample and prepares the test results.
Instead of using anything fancy, I simply ran a test on the status attribute, as in Listing 12.
Or you may choose to do a more expensive and reliable test on a representative sample of consumers.
Some experts, however, were skeptical a single blood test on young women could be so revealing.
Input files contain a regexp to test on a single line followed by any number of lines of data to test.
Emma woke up at 4am on the morning of her driving test on August 30 to find her waters had broken.
There will be a test on Tuesday; based on homework one; ten minutes at the beginning of the recitation.
With tears in her eyes, she told me I could bring my spelling test on Monday. And then she gave me a hug.
As shown on Figure 10, business analysts can select a process and choose the Modeler Test on Server action.
如图10所示,业务分析人员可以选择一个流程并选择Modeler的Test on Server操作。
In one study, participants took a maths test on a computer after being warned there were glitches in the system.
While the participants waited for this feedback, they were asked to help with a marketing test on ergonomic chairs.
We performed another interesting test on the Lotus Domino 8.5 server using all the new storage space features.
我们在使用所有存储空间新特性的LotusDomino 8.5服务器上执行了另一个有趣的测试。
You want to have a very simple prototype out there to test on real users before you waste time building the features.
Transportation during the Spring Festival, called chunyun in Chinese, is an annual test on China's transportation systems.
In a test on the skills given afterward, on problems the students hadn't seen before, the group got 73 percent correct.
Use the Development and Test on the IBM Cloud command line tools to automate creation and deletion of virtual machines.
使用DevelopmentandTest onthe IBMCloud命令行工具来自动创建和删除虚拟机。
It allows you to record the steps that you want to run load test on, and then replay the steps with the appropriate user loads.