Phase III trials: These studies test a new drug, a new combination of drugs, or a new surgical procedure in comparison to the current standard.
Release testing program, including a written standard operating procedure (SOP) detailing the test methods you will use to test each product and the acceptance criteria for each test.
It has been a standard clinical practice to test women using this procedure who are 35 years or older as well as women who are genetically predisposed for certain disorders.
The patients took induced sputum cell analysis test, and lung function test for peak exhale flow variation rate, challenging bronchial test, and standard diagnosis and a procedure diagnosis.
The simple procedure of testing automobile discharges includes three contents: operates circulation test, limited standard and equipment.
As part of the standard procedure, they sent it to two members of its Board of Reviewing Editors, who recommended that it go out for peer review (about 30 percent of manuscripts pass this test).
According to the requirements of test standard, the system is equipped with PID controllers, the auto-adjusting procedure for PID parameters is set, and the system adjusting procedure is analyzed.
Objective To perfect every step of food sample test procedure and avoid losing lawsuits because of non-standard operation.
Measuring with a compensator is a standard ASTM test procedure 2 and is a particularly effective laboratory tool for quality control of clear plastics.
The internationally common practice of ASTM D5001 "Standard Test Procedure of Aviation Turbine Fuel Lubricating Performance Determination by Ball - Column Lubricatio..."
The internationally common practice of ASTM D5001 "Standard Test Procedure of Aviation Turbine Fuel Lubricating Performance Determination by Ball - Column Lubricatio..."