We have successfully tested the incoming data for compliance with the logical test and have either shown the user the correct result or some negative feedback.
Post-test counselling will be offered to all women when they receive their test result, regardless of whether it is positive or negative.
Results covering the fake positive and negative result in test of inspecting urine albumen, blood and white blood cell on chemistry test paper.
Furthermore, the effect from the negative pore water pressure on the uplift bearing capacity is investigated in the light of the result of the prototype test, of which the value is determined as well.
Result The PPD skin test were negative in 5 cases AIDS complicated with pulmonary tuberculosis.
Therefore, the ankle clonus test had no false-negative or true-positive result and 4 false-positive results(8.16%).
因此在本观察中,踝阵挛试验无真阳性和假阴性结果,4例假阳性结果(8.16 % )。
"Not knowing" doesn't change your test result…it just delays possible life-saving treatment, not to mention, may keep you from the likely relief of a negative result.
Unless a mutation is identified in the family, a negative test result doesn't provide reassurance.
But if they rely on the Test God, it will definitely result in some negative influences.
But if they rely on the Test God, it will definitely result in some negative influences.