Testing tools for the test scenario are custom-made.
For our test scenario, we set up a Domino server with the following configuration.
New load test Wizard, select the test mix model to use in your load test scenario.
The following tables describe the various properties for load test scenario Settings.
If you decide not to test every possible test scenario, you've chosen to take on risk.
You can get some idea of a realistic test scenario by looking at your existing server logs.
Fixed a problem of excessive CCRPC process creation during high concurrent load test scenario.
Based on real customer use, our test scenario consists of a ratio of 1:4 Authors to Reviewers.
Specifies the probability of a virtual user running a given test in a load test scenario.
Our test scenario is part of a fictional archive application managing a long-term store of items.
For the test scenario, "stock broker" was an IBM T42 laptop, with 2gb RAM, using Windows XP SP 2.
对于测试场景,“股票经纪公司”是一台IBMT42笔记本,ram为2gb,使用WindowsXPSP 2操作系统。
The method assert compares an expected value to an actual value for the particular test scenario.
When your test scenario has completed, stop the recording, and the test script will be generated.
In this test scenario, the first step - identify tables that would benefit high-speed access - is easy.
The test scenario includes IBM DB2 and Apache Derby databases, and tests are executed against each database.
测试场景包括IBMDB 2and ApacheDerby数据库,并且测试将针对每个数据库执行。
Counter sets can be selected for the computers that you specify for inclusion in the load test scenario.
The test mix specifies the probability of a virtual user running a specific test in a load test scenario.
Our test scenario used the new NotesBench R5 Mail workload on systems with transaction logging turned on and off.
我们的测试场景在系统上使用新的NotesBench R 5Mail工作负载,分别测试打开和关闭事务日志后的性能。
A browser mix specifies the probability of a virtual user running a specific browser type in a load test scenario.
The tester who performed the exact test scenario was unable to answer the question, because she "doesn't do load testing."
InfoQ: How does the data Driven test Scenario feature in Twist 2.0 compare with other data testing frameworks like DBUnit?
InfoQ:与其它像DBUnit之类的数据测试框架相比,Twist 2.0的数据驱动测试场景怎么样?
The above simple test scenario performed one assert and resulted in a successful scenario due to the "assert true" statement.
For this test scenario, I adopted the Point-to-Point domain, and wrote a simple application to place a message on the queue.
针对该测试案例,我采用点到点(Point -to - Point)域,并编写了一个简单的应用程序来将消息放到队列中。
A typical test scenario run for 500 users will produce 705 resources, update 2,287 resources, and create 5,876 comments per hour.
As you might recall, DbUnit facilitates working with databases by effectively managing their data within the context of a test scenario.
As opposed to verifying a time threshold on a method (or series of methods) in a test scenario, JUnitPerf also facilitates load testing.
The necessary tools and setup instructions were added to a common configuration document, which was referenced by each planned test scenario.
The methodology described here uses OpenOffice.org Calc, XML, and a PHP script to create a free test scenario or firmware development environment.
这里讨论的方法使用 OpenOffice.orgCalc、XML和一个PHP 脚本来创建一个免费的测试场景或固件开发环境。
Now, create a test case that takes advantage of your new visualization capability. This involves creating a test scenario by completing these tasks.
Because of the nature of what transaction logging does, you might expect that low concurrency of the test scenario would yield only a limited benefit.