They help enforce it by going to markets, buying salt and testing it on the spot.
For example, subsequent studies have later substituted a different mobile for the original to see if the infants can spot the difference, thereby testing whether or not they really remember.
But the findings suggest that testing oxytocin levels could help spot pregnant women at risk for postpartum depression and enable them to get counseling and other care.
Unfortunately, such a kit for testing animals on the spot does not yet exist and we are still dependent on time-consuming laboratory tests.
Testing in LUCENE-843 found that around 48 MB is the sweet spot for that content set, but, your application could have a different sweet spot.
The railway computer interlocking system is a kind of typical safety-critical system and the chaotic safety analysis is useful and helpful for implementing more efficient on the spot software testing.
On the basis of digital signal process and nondestructive testing, the effect of welding process on the frequency spectrum of the current signal in AC spot welding is analyzed.
Methods Analyze the case by investigation on epidemiology and spot hygiene, clinic symptoms and sample testing.
Because campus network have been built before long and spot testing works well under an existed network environment, in this thesis the last methods are adopted.
Based on the many times tests and analyses, a real time system about spot testing fatigue load spectrum of engineering structure materials was studied and developed.
Automatic winding machines, spot welding machine automatic riveting, automatic ultrasonic testing machine, automatic production lines, industrial robots, robot line automatic production line.
Because of absence spot testing environment, some of parameters of computing irregularities depth can not be set accord with practice.
Effects of pulsed laser parameters such as laser wavelength, beam spot size, pulse energy and pulse duration on threshold energy in laser simulating Single Event Effect testing are analyzed.
In practicing of blasting , Engineer of blasting design the scheme and parameter of blasting by the personal experience , project analogy and testing on analogical spot at present.
The spot testing and analysis by synthesis is adopted to analyze and process the test signal.
With some engineering examples, this article introduces some testing techniques and methods of PVC plastic corrugated pipe used in prestressed concrete, both in labs and on the spot.
Reliability parameters of VRLA battery cell may be gotten by on-the-spot application investigation and accelerated life testing.
The on-spot testing method is used to check the skater's blood lactate immediately after exercise.
On - the - spot factory inspection will be done by technician's option textile testing and research center.
This research experienced on the process of on-the-spot investigation, testing and assessment analysis, confirming scheme of modification, installing and debugging and on-site experiments.
The research approach: documents and materials, three-dimensional force-testing, planar shooting on spot, film analysis, datum statistics and expert consultation.
By lab testing and on- the- spot using situation , prealloying power have shown to be practical and have good economic results.
The design, analysis and testing of the welding current signal detecting circuit for spot welding machine are discussed in this paper.
The researches on computer control hydraulic universal testing machine are today's main hot spot in domestic and foreign testing machine fields.
This paper introduced a method to testing small light spot produced by an optical system with high NA.
The result of testing on site manifests that the effect of spot welding constant current control is good.
The result of testing on site manifests that the effect of spot welding constant current control is good.