Align indicates whether the text should be padded on the left or the right.
I give it a.063 (1px) gray border with a white background and align the text to the left.
我使用. 063 (1px)的灰色边框和白色背景,并将文本设为左对齐。
The HTML align values of left, center, right, and justify map to the XSL-FO text-align values of start, center, end, and justify.
HTMLalign的left 、center 、 right和justify 值映射成XSL-FO text-align 的start 、 center 、end 和 justify 。
For example, I want to center header of my text, but main text I want to align by left side.
For example, I want to center header of my text, but main text I want to align by left side.