The design and implementation of Structured Text Retrieval System is introduced in this paper.
By actual examples, the authors discuss the realization of a Chinese full-text retrieval system based on mixed indexing. 3 figs. 4 tabs. 5 refs.
The paper introduces the function and capability of TRS (Text Retrieval System), and describes the process and method of special-topics database of our library with TRS.
This article describes the principle of full text retrieval system, analysis of word-based index of the table structure methods and the establishment of the index database.
However, the full-text retrieval system can't extract and cluster the correlated historical material required. Because the system can only retrieve material through retrieval words matching.
Based on the flower knowledge retrieval system, this paper discusses the effect of the user model on the generated contents and the relationship between the user model and the text planner.
In this paper the software for the information processing system of Chinese characters is introduced. It includes monitor, text editing, file management, print control, data retrieval etc.
This theory combined the excellence of current Question Answering System and is hoped to fulfill the mechanism of retrieval, understanding and reasoning based on pure text knowledge.
An information retrieval system on a medium-scale text collection is established using the word relation algorithm, along with inverted index.
The development of a full text retrieval database system for SINOPEC scientific and technical periodicals is introduced.
The automatic text-retrieval prototype system implemented on SIEMENS 7570 at Tongji University aims at improving on user interface, inputs natural language and implements full-text retrieval.
本文介绍在同济大学SIEMENS 7570计算机上建立的自动文本检索原型系统,该系统是以改善用户与系统的交互界面为目的,可以用自然语言输入,实现全文检索。
In order to deal with this challenge, the technology of distributed computing and inverted document full-text retrieval were introduced into the search engine system.
The main task of the thesis is the design and implementation of a Chinese full-text information retrieval prototype system based on the Lucene search engine.
The main task of the thesis is the design and implementation of a Chinese full-text information retrieval prototype system based on the Lucene search engine.