Elements not matching the text string will be filtered out.
The input text string is converted into an array of bytes and is padded.
As we have seen, grammar can also come from a file or from an internal text string.
You find all of the information about types of the message parts in this text string.
To deserialize the LOB column and get to the text string again, use the following code.
The CLP interprets any text string that is prefixed by a double hyphen (--) as a comment.
CLP 将前缀为两个连字符的所有文本字符串都解释为注释。
A variable is initialized with an empty text string as its default value when declared.
You can search for a text string, or you can do a hex search for a sequence of up to 16 bytes.
A common misconception is that you can just say anything and that is turned into a text string.
You will modify the original test client that sent a simple text string to send an XML message.
At least one blank space must separate the question mark (?) from the text string that follows.
There is less support built into XML, but you can apply a namespace to a text string, like this
构建到XML 中的支持较少,但您可以将名称空间应用为文本字符串,就象这样
To get access to a text string in a resource bundle, we use the text method of the tag library.
For example, you can use a text string variable to change the string of text in a text object.
The cipher byte array is then decrypted, and the decrypted byte array is returned as a text string.
Listing 20 shows the code to process events and search records for a match against a user-entered text string.
The DB2_CLPPROMPT registry variable can be set to any text string up to a maximum of 100 characters in length.
DB 2 _ CLPPROMPT注册变量可以设置为任何文本字符串,最大长度为100个字符。
This code passes the ubiquitous "Hello, world!" text string to the active document at the current cursor location.
上述代码向活动文档的当前光标位置输入了经典的文本“Hello,world !”
Lastly, I provide a response, which for now is just a text string; later on I'll change it and deploy a new version.
In both these forms, the second input parameter, a text string, contains the name of the parameter without qualification.
In the Service URL field, enter the text string matching the URL contained in the certificate used to secure connections.
在ServiceUR l字段中,输入与用于确保连接安全的凭证中所包含的URL匹配的文本字符串。
The report properties file contains text string definitions that include report titles, descriptions, and column headings.
A SomethingSplitter provides the very important splitter method, which takes a text string and breaks it into component words.
I'll use the "Hello World" program to illustrate the creation of a simple program to emit a simple text string to the display.
我使用“Hello World ”程序演示如何创建简单的程序,将一个简单的文本字符串发送到显示器。
For the VARIABLE_DATA column, and for version 5.1.x, this is currently a text string as described in the Audit log data section.
对于variable_data列以及5.1 . x版本来说,这就是在审核日志数据部分中描述的文本字符串。
The former encrypts a plain-text string, returning its encoding; the latter decrypts an encoded string and returns plain text.
In other words, Elem is an abstract type representing... well, anything that can be parsed, most commonly a text string or stream.
When you select this option, a database column defined with a Date data type is defined in the type tree as a character text string.
The messages can be simple (the single text string in Sample1, for example) or more complex (a document representing an Order, for example).
消息可以是简单的(如 Sample1中的一个文本字符串),也可以比较复杂(如代表订单(Order)的文档)。
Notice the different syntactic form of the RDF, which specifies that the property value is another resource and not just a plain text string.