A similar research also found that students who texted when doing schoolwork had lower overall (总体的) grades.
She even texted pictures of her and her husband eating there in 2017 as proof.
Zuckerberg just texted me back.
I texted them the good news. They replied the next day.
You can see who texted you, what calls you missed, "she said."
I just texted her asking where she was and she said she was on 10th Street!
Yet 21 percent of drivers said they had recently texted or e-mailed while driving.
He texted his daughter to find out how her mother was. She returned his query. Fine.
Are the people in the room with you more important than those who have just texted you?
Electronic media woke them up once a night, when they were texted or called by a friend.
With shaking hands, I texted the news to Lisa, and told her to come to Miami the next day.
I spent about an hour sear ching for him when my psycho ex-girlfriend texted me his photo.
The day of the proposal, I texted a few friends, "This is a big day. I hope I don't screw up."
I texted her from Apple's event to announce the iPad 2: "I think you just got yourself an iPad."
One of my friends texted me and was like "dude, you're famous! "' Robert Reynolds, told PIX11 News.
“我的一个朋友发讯息给我,说‘哥们,你火了!’”罗伯特·雷诺兹告诉PIX11新闻。 。
During that dinner, my brother texted me: "Your boy Liam Neeson is being interviewed at the Knicks game."
Texted photos and videos are great for sharing but not so great when you try to do anything with that footage .
About half of drivers 16 to 24 said they had texted while driving, compared with 22 percent of drivers 35 to 44.
But the stories Gershon heard were much more sophisticated than simply "he texted me" or "she sent me an E-mail."
I texted my school for an answer and they texted me back with one or two tips and I got it within a couple of minutes.
As a Marine Corps representative in Haiti texted to the organization, “I can not over-emphasize to you what Ushahidi has provided.
Respondents were asked whether or not they texted 'I love you' to their partner on a regular basis, to which 61 per cent replied yes.
His text message went off, he texted her back, and all of a sudden the woman across the table from him asked who it was, " he says."
“You should have texted, ” he chided me the next morning, when he finally heard the voice mail I’d left. “You know that’s the fastest way.”
The night before, as his food sat cooling on the dining room table and he sat in his bedroom, I had texted my middle son: "Dinner ready now!"
And so he's able to link the texted plays to Performances of those plays and then compare How different actors have interpreted important roles.
Matthew Maynard, 23, texted the picture to a local newspaper from his mobile phone, commenting that he didn't like the photo issued by the police.
Matthew Maynard, 23, texted the picture to a local newspaper from his mobile phone, commenting that he didn't like the photo issued by the police.