If it wants to have a smooth texture, it flattens out the papillae, so it can acquire a smooth texture to blend in with the sandy bottom of the sea.
These ingredients can cause bleeding under the nails, discolouration and can roughen the smooth texture of the nails.
It is an alloy of tin (93 percent), antimony (5 percent), and copper (2 percent). It's known for its smooth texture and silvery appearance.
The texture throughout is smooth, lacking bumps or pustules making it one of the most beautiful life forms in marine.
A smooth and polished surface on a marble tile is also a texture, and smooth quality finishes can enhance the visual appeal of natural material finishes like marble tiles on a wall.
The website promises that it will "increase hydration, minimize fine lines, and smooth texture.
In many cases, such as landscape shots of lakes, water is taken with a long exposure to create a smooth soft texture, where as in this case, we aim to capture a sharp clear shot.
However, in this image, the smooth texture of the sky doesn't stand a chance in weight when compared to the foreground waterway.
In the texture category, the researchers tested metaphors such as "having a rough day" and "using coarse language," by giving people a puzzle to solve that was either smooth or covered in sand paper.
If you prefer thicker soups, choose vegetable purees made with water or skim milk as a base - their smooth, creamy texture feels indulgent, and the pureed veggies provide a nutritional bonus.
The website promises that it will "increase hydration, minimize fine lines, and smooth texture." ($50, DDF.com)
Supple, smooth, soft. Term applied to wines of quality which have a fine round texture, and pleasant to drink.
This time picking the tea soft, smooth, texture is very good, have a light faint scent, put a piece in his mouth very comfortable.
It has a smooth, satiny texture and is labeled according to its butterfat content.
Helps your skin's texture to appear refined and smooth.
The creamy smooth texture of the pearls is complemented well by the cut and color of the gemstones.
Tummy Toner is all about improving the actual texture of your skin, because smooth skin always looks better.
In another bowl, combine peanut butter with about 1/5 cup of water and mix until you have a smooth sauce with the texture of runny yogurt. Add soy sauce and a small amount of vinegar to taste.
His winter may be spent in the north wind's whine, but the freezing rain and northerly winds will force him to shape the distinctive posture - smooth texture, as well as clear and transparent beauty.
To touch, smooth and moist texture like a baby face, makes doubly tender affection.
To touch, smooth and moist texture like a baby face , makes doubly tender affection.
The hundreds of contacted crystals broke cleanly over the leading edge of my wing (strange but no fragments) and I could clearly see that the severed surfaces were of a light smooth frosty texture.
Nga - ray slabs in maintaining the identity of Richland Brick products, Nga - ray glazed brick to smooth, soft luster, texture delicate effect, consumers have favored.
Jade series - texture realistic, smooth surface. Can be used in bathroom kitchen. Convenient cleaning.
High precision neckline even more solid, stands stylish, more three-dimensional sense, more warm; delicate fine teeth zipper considerate, full texture, smooth to the touch.
The product is rich in fruit granule scrub, which could remove the aged cells effectively, smooth the skin texture and improve the skin tone, leaving healthy and vigorous.
Smooth tannins texture , concentrated black fruits , truffle , chocolate and vanilla oak taste.
丹宁圆润, 充满浓郁的黒松露、巧克力和香草橡木味道。
The especially added extracts of CLADOSIPHON OKAMURANUS bring you fine and smooth skin texture while providing moisture and nourishments, to make your skin resilient and energized.
The especially added extracts of CLADOSIPHON OKAMURANUS bring you fine and smooth skin texture while providing moisture and nourishments, to make your skin resilient and energized.