This month you will see them for the gems that they are, and thank goodness for them!
I love to hear their voices on the phone and seeing their faces-thank goodness for FaceTime.
I am here today not for me , but for all those who gave their lives on our behalf, ' he said. 'Thank goodness for those people.
That sounds like a sweeping statement, but it's true - Uranus takes 84 years to circle the Sun, so it won't be in this part of your chart again, and thank goodness for that.
Mercury, your ruling planet, is no longer retrograde as it was last month, so you should enjoy a much faster pace and far better results from your efforts. Thank goodness for that!
The surgery took some hours after which the doctor went out happy, "Thank goodness! Your son is saved!" And without waiting for the father's reply he carried on his way running by saying, "If you have any questions, ask the nurse."
Spotted fever in purples for example, which we call measles, was a significant cause of death as was the plague, which we don't have anymore, thank goodness.
Thank goodness, they haven't been sold. And thank you so much for being so patient with me.
Stage two: Thank goodness I didn't ask for a suit... the fabric, drying fast, is already showing a couple of creases on the model's torso.
Praise and thank Him for all His goodness, ask Him to guide you through the day, pray for your family, the sick, missionaries, lost friends.
For one, thank goodness I will leave to a place where I can actually open my wings and make my dreams come true!
Marcel: Yes, for a time we thought we might have to call for reinforcements, but thank goodness in the end we didn't have to.
This is temporary trend, thank goodness, for things won't always be this way.
Thank goodness my advisor said, "Why don't you work on the web for a while?"
Thank goodness there are real-life royals around to satiate2 our palates3 for royal romances.
Thank goodness there are real-life royals around to satiate2 our palates3 for royal romances.