They live without nomoi, and they wreck not of one another, that is to say, each family lives by itself.
There were various views about what constitutes it, but there was agreement that such an essence exists—that is to say, that there is something by virtue of which man is man.
That is to say, the name of the butcher's shop should be like the butcher's shop.
That is to say, he kept on throwing and catching three balls while he was swimming, riding a bicycle and running.
That is to say, the country will be in great need of labor by the year 2050. With the "two children" policy, an increase in births can solve this problem.
That is to say, they should know their merits and demerits and their choices must give play to their strengths whilst circumvent weaknesses.
That is to say, as a reward for bravery, exhibited bravery, the hero should be allowed to kiss anyone they like while they are on patrol, male or female.
It's conventional—that is to say, the language in the public sphere belongs to all of us, and there's perhaps a certain sort of romantic loss in that.
That is to say, we use 2.8 million masks every minute!
That is to say, school is not just enough if you want to have a great life.
That is to say, they wouldn't be able to walk on the Moon or work outside the International Space Station.
These very short-lived plants reproduce prolifically; that is to say they provide a constant rain of seed in the neighborhood of parent plants.
That is to say, it is not a system of signs understood as stable relationships between a concept world and a world of signifying.
That is to say, it participates in the mythic way of thinking about things.
We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know.
That is to say, the entire tissue, structure, and nature of our lives our lives are textual lives. That's what he meant.
We often are like this gold digger. That is to say, we do not take enough time to prepare for our actions.
That is to say, when humans evolved without a particular switch, the absence of that switch allowed the brain to grow further.
That is to say, it strikes me that Darwin could very easily be considered a fourth hermeneut of suspicion.
The response to the control voltage of the VCO core circuit presented here is linear; that is to say, volts/Hz.
That is to say, salary raises are nice, but seldom are they what motivates people to do their best on the job.
That is to say, it is not primarily a musical composition.
That's philosopher's jargon, that is to say, given the three premises, the conclusion really does follow.
Life is sacred, that is to say, it is the supreme value, to which all other values are subordinate.
That is to say that when we think we're telling the truth we're actually using worn-out figures of speech.
That is to say, between his feet and another's feet, he can only choose either-or.
That is to say, these days I've been thinking a lot about the software part of software development.
But rarely do they hear about persons who are prevailing against this grave illness—that is to say, the success stories.
But rarely do they hear about persons who are prevailing against this grave illness—that is to say, the success stories.