Evolutionarily, that makes sense.
That makes sense, as it creates a firmer platform to push against.
If you look up "bo" on the Internet, nothing that makes sense comes up.
That makes sense, it saves lives, and it will also save money over the long-run.
Think about everything that follows from a contradiction that makes sense doesn't it?
That makes sense to me because the torque is persuading the angular momentum to follow it.
That makes sense because we're lower in energy, the electrons are now lower in energy.
You can add custom classes, on the other hand, to any HTML tag that makes sense to you.
That makes sense to me because digesting heavier foods will push you to need more sleep.
It still doesn't have a native revenue model that makes sense to both users and advertisers.
"That makes sense," said the counselor. "And what was it that your were trying to work out?"
Feel the earth beneath your feet as you step in a direction that makes sense to you - just you.
Some say that it's not a language at all; others say that it's the only language that makes sense.
Most likely the data coming in is structured in a way that makes sense to the backend business logic.
The new project Explorer organizes project resources in a way that makes sense for the type of project.
That makes sense. Cultures all squeezed together, like in Japan, have a strong incentive to be cooperative.
It must have, but reining in such a profligate program that subsidizes idleness is an idea that makes sense.
That makes sense because components don't need to be measured again once you define the measurements explicitly.
It boils down to this: Store the information in folders - by category, and in a sequence that makes sense to you.
That makes sense, smaller animals will need to oscillate faster to generate forces large enough to dry themselves.
That makes sense; if you want to find out exactly what each line of code does, the best thing to do is read the code.
Central bankers have to choose their words carefully. So they often say little in public — or little that makes sense.
Each company needs to look at its culture, as well as its strategy, and phase in these changes in a way that makes sense.
Ultimately, we want to come up with a system that makes sense for each community and fits our long-term vision for the forums.
Also important is ensuring that dates, times and currency values are rendered in a way that makes sense for the target locale.
Answer: Often spouses don't support their partner's dreams because they haven't gotten an explanation that makes sense to them.
The first thing that makes sense to do is to generalize the subroutine to extract the URL from a WSDL, since we are doing it twice.
首先要做的就是专门编写一个从WSDL 中提取URL的函数,因为从 WSDL 中提取 URL 需要执行两次。
The first thing that makes sense to do is to generalize the subroutine to extract the URL from a WSDL, since we are doing it twice.
首先要做的就是专门编写一个从WSDL 中提取URL的函数,因为从 WSDL 中提取 URL 需要执行两次。