In a rough sea it would no doubt be unpleasant to be kicked around in a bucket like that while waiting for recovery, but we will try to launch on a day with nice weather.
The commander of the naval force, Captain [Gustavus] Fox, had hoped to move the soldiers to Sumter in small boats. But the sea was so rough that the small boats could not be used.
The next night, the blackest he had ever known, the sea became so rough that the boat almost turned over.
The results show that reflection from rough sea surface is an important factor in calculating propagation loss over rough sea and a knife-edge in the presence of rough sea surface.
Successful application in seakeeping optimal selection shows that this algorithm is helpful for improving ship safety and operation efficiency in rough sea.
Under the assumption that the sea bottom is an almost-flat and randomly rough thin layer, a spatial correlation model for bottom reverberation was constructed.
It is also confirmed by the northern section of the Weddell Sea that the enhanced mixing is created by the interaction between the strong current and rough topography.
But if you're in the rough sea in a boat, his face is splashed from the sea, ears are kept roaring wind, that is not the case.
The monsoon in winter is stronger than that in summer, and correspondingly, the average wave high is higher, and the frequencies of rough sea and heavy swell are also stronger.
She imitates the to also come in sight of, coming in sight of she have always been to have no the prospects that see, shining in glory the surface of the next very rough sea in the moonlight.
She imitates the to also come in sight of, coming in sight of she have always been to have no the prospects that see, shining in glory the surface of the next very rough sea in the moonlight.